Lineup of the Truth Arena Magician: Analysis and guidance for building the most effective squad

Here are the strengths and weaknesses of the generals in the Magic Division and how to build the most effective Magician team in DTCL LMHT.

The majority of gamers will use tactics that are popular, also known as "vogue" like the 6 Band or Draven squad that causes good damage. However, it is not always possible to fully build your lineup.

But with the French team, you can completely build up this lineup, this is the lineup that many gamers rated as quite easy to find in the League of Truth League that has the ability to cause high damage.

Of course this line is not without drawbacks, you should learn the strengths and weaknesses of this lineup and how to build the formation of the Wizard in the League of Truth League.

  1. Truth School League: 5 simple tips that make it easier to match
  2. Factors used to eliminate players' blood in the Truth Arena
  3. League of Legends: Ranking 5 strongest generals in the Arena of Truth

Member of the DTCL LMHT team

Aurelion Sol

Picture 1 of Lineup of the Truth Arena Magician: Analysis and guidance for building the most effective squad

It costs 4 gold and comes with huge damage, but to make good use of Aurelion Sol, you must have certain conditions. Although Aurelion Sol's damage is good, his resistance is quite poor.

The last move needs a lot of energy to be able to use, so Aurelion Sol will need to have resilient equipment and energy regeneration to help this general to unleash more moves.

And although there is high damage, there are many cases where Aurelion Sol cannot attack and will cost a lot of energy. Therefore, the dignity factor is still the most important.


Picture 2 of Lineup of the Truth Arena Magician: Analysis and guidance for building the most effective squad

This girl is considered the chess piece that causes the main damage of the Witch formation and is completely capable of confronting the Assassin lineup. This general needs at least 2 stars, in addition she needs to equip Morello Letter Devil to avoid shock damage from the Assassins general.

When your squad is full, Morgana can completely die 4 or 5 generals at the same time.


Picture 3 of Lineup of the Truth Arena Magician: Analysis and guidance for building the most effective squad

Kassadin only has 1 gold and appears quite a lot, so it can easily be 2 or 3 stars. Although there is no skill to activate, it is only internal, but this internal is quite uncomfortable when Kassadin goes in a way of resistance and will constantly create shields and consume quite a lot of energy of the enemy team.

If equipped with Red Charm and Guinsoo Blade, this will be an extremely annoying tanker in the Witch's squad. Getting up to 3 stars and adding the above two equipment will help Kassadin carry the team gently.


Picture 4 of Lineup of the Truth Arena Magician: Analysis and guidance for building the most effective squad

Veigar initially did not cause much damage to enemy teams, but if she was stacked with some equipment and got "2 cans", Veigar was able to easily hit a enemy team general.

If the house is conditional then you can go up to three stars for Veigar, but if you want to focus on other generals, just keep Veigar in 2 stars.


Picture 5 of Lineup of the Truth Arena Magician: Analysis and guidance for building the most effective squad

Ahri is easy to earn and also only has 2 gold prices so players can fully own the early game girl. However, Ahri has an insignificant amount of damage inflicted on the enemy's body.

If you bought Ahri right from the beginning of the match, you should combine it with Nidalee to get the buff of the Wild and slowly build the squad.


Picture 6 of Lineup of the Truth Arena Magician: Analysis and guidance for building the most effective squad

Lulu is not a general that can deal as much damage as Aurelion Sol or Morgana, but this general has the ability to resist all party members. If you have Lulu, you should raise 2 stars early and give this champion a little energy to start buffing the whole team.


Picture 7 of Lineup of the Truth Arena Magician: Analysis and guidance for building the most effective squad

Karthus is a character preferred by many Truth Arena players, the reason being that Karthus is able to inflict a large amount of damage to all of his enemies in a location far away.

And to get Karthus in hand is not easy, you will have to depend on your dignity quite a lot to get this champion in your squad. So, having a 2-star Karthus is difficult, not to mention 3 stars.

This general stood behind the formation and just waited for the opportunity to launch his last move. Although the ability to kill is quite impressive, but the ability to resist is not good, so the possibility of Karthus being shocked and killed is absolutely possible.

The best way to build a Magician team is in the Truth Arena

In the early stages of the game, this Witch lineup is relatively difficult to play, but in the late game period, the ability to flip trusses is quite high. In the early stages of the game, players should use Lulu or Kassadin to endure buffs for the entire team, in addition you need to earn another Magician to activate the inner.

Picture 8 of Lineup of the Truth Arena Magician: Analysis and guidance for building the most effective squad

Once you have reached level 7, the player must reach the goal of having 6 Magicians and one general standing in another position. At this time, the new Magician formation is considered complete, the other position is that the player should choose some names such as Akali, Brand or Varus . or any champion with a buff ability to increase 100% of the damage. power.

On another note, you should find a general who has damage on a normal attack to destroy the Dragon, as they completely immune to magic damage.

That's what you need to do if you decide to build a Magician team from the beginning when playing the Truth Arena.

Update 22 July 2019


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