Lien Quan Mobile: Top 5 facts about the generals' wings

Some generals in Lien Quan Mobile have very attractive and beautiful wings on them, but do you know all the truth about them?


Picture 1 of Lien Quan Mobile: Top 5 facts about the generals' wings

She is the deputy commander of the Sa Doa force, possessing extremely beautiful Bat wings. Meanwhile, Veera's strength is also Bat and only differs from Batman in certain characteristics.

So are those wings a proof that she was converted by Maloch and bitten by a bat, so she transformed into a bat? – similar to the theories that often appear in movies such as spider-man being bitten by a spider, ant-man being bitten by an ant.

In general, despite having wings, Veera can't show anything through those wings other than aesthetics, so it's possible that Veera is human, so when he was converted by Maloch, he couldn't fly like him.


Picture 2 of Lien Quan Mobile: Top 5 facts about the generals' wings

As a butterfly fairy, living in the Forest, Krixi can of course fly with her own wings. This ability also helps her increase movement speed when launching attacks on enemies.

However, if in combat these wings help a lot for Krixi such as instantaneous and continuous movement speed thanks to the use of the ultimate to hit the target, then there is absolutely not too much potential to use. Instead, Krixi's wings seem to only match her cute appearance and serve the need to roam more.


Picture 3 of Lien Quan Mobile: Top 5 facts about the generals' wings

He is the Demon King of the prison and according to legend is the descendant of Devil Sa Sang. This is a elf-bat that lives in Hell and is also the culprit that turns Veera into an effective right-hand man.

The wings that Moloch owns are considered Veera's 'big size' and are also the tools that help this general get the infamous Purgatory move that can soar into the air and rush into enemies at extremely distant positions. In general, these are the wings with the longest range and great effect in combat.


Picture 4 of Lien Quan Mobile: Top 5 facts about the generals' wings

Originally a bug hidden in the world and hell, Kriknak according to legend is the crystallization of Krixi and Nakroth. Accordingly, he carried his father's Assassin ability and his mother's flying ability.

Thanks to his beetle wings, Kriknak can fly extremely well with a large range and impresses with his mid-air Danger move that can reach strong prey, and the cooldown is not too long.


Picture 5 of Lien Quan Mobile: Top 5 facts about the generals' wings

Lauriel is the Archangel with extremely beautiful angel wings. These are a pair of pure gifted wings, creating the core move for Lauriel's mobility and versatility.

With this move, she can put combined damage internally, especially the cooldown is great. Just good coordination is that Lauriel with a perfect pair of wings can 'cat and mouse' at any time or be scary in the chase phase of bad enemies. Indeed, Lauriel's wings are extremely valuable compared to the rest of the champions.

Update 28 January 2022


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