LG Display presents 65-inch scrollable OLED TV like paper

This is a 4K TV that can be rolled up like a high-tech newspaper.

A few years ago, LG Display displayed an 18-inch OLED display that could bend and curl like a newspaper. Now, this prototype has grown to 65 inches in size when LG claims to turn the technology into a TV. At CES 2018, LG Display will introduce a 65-inch scrollable OLED TV, with UHD resolution (or 4K).

Picture 1 of LG Display presents 65-inch scrollable OLED TV like paper

18-inch OLED display at CES 2016, this year it will be even bigger

Why do you need a TV roll? It might be easy to store or carry, but anyway, this is still a somewhat fictional concept. To scroll, the screen panel must have the characteristics of a large sheet of paper or a canvas.

There is not much information about this TV but it will appear at CES this year so we will see it soon.

See more:

  1. LG opened the giant TV race at CES 2018 with an 8K 8-inch OLED display
  2. Which screen parameters are completely meaningless?
  3. Sharp introduced its 8-inch 8K TV that turns your 4K TV into obsolete
Update 24 May 2019


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