Learn about RGB & CMYK color systems
For those who are new to graphic design, digital content and print, you will definitely hear the phrase RGB & CMYK, but to understand the nature of this term, you must take part in see a lot of documents.
Normally, choosing the wrong RGB or CMYK color system also causes huge consequences, maybe the whole work will have to be corrected. In this article, Software Tips will share with you the knowledge about RGB and CMYK color systems.
1. CMYK color system - Used in printing
Basic color:
- Cyan: Blue
- Magenta: Purple
- Yellow: Yellow
- Keyline: Black
CMYK color system is made up of 3 main colors above (except Keyline) and they will mix together in certain proportions to create different colors in the palette. Usually when you buy ink refill for color printers you will find that the cartridges are marked with the letters C, M, Y to be inserted into the ink tray. However, you will wonder where is the Keyline color, right? Keyline - Black is not a separate color, but they are a blended color from C: M: Y with a 1: 1: 1 ratio, so basically CMYK has only 3 main colors and black is a color. blended with equal proportions from the 3 main colors.
2. RGB color system - Used in digital
Basic color:
- Red: Red
- Green: Green
- Blue: Blue
RGB color system is the abbreviation for 3 colors Red, Green, Blue and these are the colors that the human eye can see when reflecting white light through a prism. Similar to CMYK color system, RGB color system only needs these 3 main colors and they will be mixed in a certain ratio to produce other colors. However, when we mix 03 colors R: G: B in the 1: 1: 1 ratio, they will return to the original color before being separated by the prism - that is white.
That is the reason why digital devices such as phones, computer monitors, TVs, . all use RGB color systems because they produce too simple white and very high brightness.
3. When to use CMYK color system, when to use RGB color system
In order to know when to use which color system, you must determine what your business needs and goals are aiming for:
The RGB color space is used in digital content, which means that when you design what's on the screen - just view it on the screen (not print) you'll need it. RGB color. RGB color systems not only have impressive colors, but they also have much higher brightness and contrast than CMYK.
CMYK color system is a mandatory color system to use when creating and working related to print content (card printing, photo printing, banner printing .) because they have true color content on the background of the image that does not glow. . However, today's design software supports both CMYK and RGB color systems, so users can easily change back and forth with just a few taps.
In this article, TipsMake.com have shared to you more information related to RGB and CMYK color space on design software, printers. Have a nice day!
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