The magic ice 'dance' in the soap bubble

In the midst of the cold weather, the temperature was only minus 15 degrees Celsius, ice crystals formed and danced around the inside of the soap bubble, creating a magical scene that surprised the audience.

In the midst of the cold weather, the temperature of minus 15 degrees Celsius, ice crystals formed and "danced" around the inside of the soap bubble, creating a fantasy scene that surprised the audience. The entire process took place in Minnesota, USA was recorded by photographer Mike Shaw.

There is a layer of water in the soap bubble. When viewed from the outside, it looks like the entire bubble surface is frozen. But what we see is essentially a layer of water in the bottom and when the temperature is low they freeze into ice crystals inside the membrane.

The magic ice 'dance' in the soap bubble Picture 1The magic ice 'dance' in the soap bubble Picture 1
Artwork: internet

When ice crystals form, it causes cracks in the surface, causing the air in the sphere to escape.The sudden drop in internal pressure caused the bubble to shatter.

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