La Nina's weather phenomenon is what once killed 22,000 people

What is La Nina? La Nina is also known as El Viejo or Anti-El Nino, the phenomenon of sea water in the central equator and the Eastern Pacific is cold compared to normal. This phenomenon is in stark contrast to the El Nino phenomenon - sea water heats up.

What is La Nina? La Nina is also known as El Viejo or Anti-El Nino, the phenomenon of sea water in the central equator and the Eastern Pacific is cold compared to normal. This phenomenon is in stark contrast to the El Nino phenomenon - sea water heats up.

  1. What is El Nino? Why is there such a name?

Picture 1 of La Nina's weather phenomenon is what once killed 22,000 people


Normally, as soon as the El Nino phenomenon ends, La Nina phenomenon will occur causing many storms in the Atlantic Ocean but reducing the risk of storms in the Pacific.

La Nina usually begins to form from March to June every year, but the most influential time is at the end of the year until February next year.

The cause of La Nina phenomenon is because the sea surface temperature is lower than the standard temperature (about 25 degrees Celsius temperature) from 0.5 degrees C or more.

The terrible impact of La Nina

The transformation from El Nino to La Nina creates a form of terrible destruction for people, the environment and the ecosystem on Earth.

La Nina caused a series of scary extreme weather events across the globe such as spring floods, record snowfall in the winter, drought in the summer . In addition, it also caused goods. Hurricane and super typhoon series as well as terrible snowstorms to the affected areas.

The terrible impacts of La Nina cause global food to be reduced, crop failures and famines are constantly occurring in poor countries in Africa and Asia .

Picture 2 of La Nina's weather phenomenon is what once killed 22,000 people
Past La Nina events occurred in the past.(Source: University of Mining - Geology.)

Historically, the phenomenon of La Nina has caused hurricane Mitch, the second-largest "murderer" in human history in 1998, causing horrifying obsession with those who survived to this day.

Super typhoon Mitch formed from the Atlantic Ocean with winds of 290km / h, level 5 typhoon has killed and lost 22,000 people, leaving 2.7 million people homeless, causing damage of up to 6 US $ billion (1988) in two Central American countries is Nicaragua and Honduras. Mitch is the second most "killer" Atlantic storm ever recorded in history.

Picture 3 of La Nina's weather phenomenon is what once killed 22,000 people
The map describes Mitch's trajectory and intensity according to the Saffir – Simpson hurricane wind scale.(Photos: Wikipedia.)

The great hurricanes from the vast Atlantic Ocean will be a frightening obsession not only for Americans but also for other neighboring countries to take note and take precautions, avoid effectiveness, restrictions and reductions. slight damage caused by both El Nino and La Nina.

Update 24 May 2019


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