Decode the phenomenon of strange dry, bubbly sand like boiling water

The phenomenon of dry sand can run and foam like boiling water makes many people can not be surprised and curious 'what the hell is going on'?

The phenomenon of dry sand can run and foam like boiling water makes many people can not be surprised and curious 'what the hell is going on'?

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In fact, this strange phenomenon took place in some experiments by injecting air into the sand. This process is called liquefaction. The air is pumped into the sand tank from below causing the sand particles to split apart and move freely and flexibly. This is similar to the particles in the liquid, making the sand wavy, bubbling and flowing like water.

This liquefaction process has a similar point to the process of solids turning into liquid. The particles of solids are tightly packed in solid state. But when melted they split, move or slide through each other, becoming liquid. But unlike the process of transforming solids into liquids, in the liquefaction of sand grains, they do not really change the state of matter but are only affected by the injected air.

In fact, liquefaction phenomena are used in cement transport, food handling and the development of high octane fuels.

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