Korea has no errors, errors in people who do not know how to use

Referring to borax people often think of chemical impregnated, unsafe food. But few people know that the original purpose when humans create borax is not to put in food but to garden, to make, to deodorize ...

Referring to borax people often think of chemical impregnated, unsafe food. But few people know that the original purpose when humans create borax is not to put in food but to garden, make chop, deodorize . It is people, for the purpose of making money despite the Health Ministry's warning of poisoning has used borax as a food additive.

Picture 1 of Korea has no errors, errors in people who do not know how to use

Welding is sodium borate salt with the chemical formula Na2- [B4O5 (OH) 4] · 8H2O. Welding usually exists in the form of transparent crystals or white powder, odorless, sweet and slightly spicy, very soluble in water.

Food in the human body can be absorbed very quickly but it eliminates very slowly, leading to accumulation and toxicity, physical dysfunction, vomiting, depression, decreased ability fertility, fetal deformity .

But in life this compound is very useful if used properly.

The unexpected uses that borax gives us

Chasing insects

Sprinkle on a sheet of paper and put it under the cupboard, you will destroy those unwanted bugs that will invite you to run back and forth in your house.

Wash clothes

Giving more than 100gr of solder to the water and washing powder will help make the water softer (due to neutralizing pH), the clothes are washed cleaner.

With clothes dirty, grease, mud . you just soak them in warm water mixed with borax (rate of 3.5l of water - 100gr of borax), soak for about 30 minutes then wash as usual.

Multipurpose detergent

Picture 2 of Korea has no errors, errors in people who do not know how to use

To clean the kitchen countertops, sinks, ceramic tiles . you sprinkle borax on a warm towel and rub hard then wipe it with water. You will be surprised with the result.

Remove the toilet: before sleeping, sprinkle about 200gr of celery in the toilet, leave it there, just rub a little tomorrow and then rinse it, the toilet will be clean.

To clean the stains, residue on the bowl, warm cup: borax phase 100-200gr with water and dishwashing liquid to wash.

With the glue on the utensils after peeling off the price label, you only need to mix about 100gr of borax with 70ml of warm water and soak the utensils, or watering on the surface to be cleaned, leave for a while and then rinse.

Shiny window and mirror : Mix 2 tablespoons of borax with 200ml of warm water, then dissolve it and dip rags and clean.

Carpet cleaning : Just sprinkle the borax on the surface, leave it for about 30 minutes and then use a vacuum cleaner to clean it. With stubborn stains, you mix 100gr of borax with 125ml of warm water then dip rags and rub on the stain.

Take care of the garden

Borax can also be used to supplement boron, an essential nutrient for plants. If the stunted tree, the leaves of the leaves, withered at the tip of the leaves, are not seen, it is possible that the soil does not have enough boron - especially if you plant onions, carrots and cabbage. . are those that are often hungry for boron. You can overcome by mixing the borax with water (ratio of 1 tbsp of borax and 4l of water), with a few drops of dishwashing liquid as an emulsifier, then spray evenly on leaves and stalks.

Mix the borax with cornstarch in a ratio of 1-2, then pre-mix it in a sealed container, put fresh flowers in, then sprinkle the rest over the top, canned and leave in a shady place for about 2 weeks then There will be very beautiful dried flowers .

Update 24 May 2019


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