Instructions for checking the Specter vulnerability for the browser with Tencent's tool

To see if the browser with your current version is vulnerable to Specter, you can use Tencent's tool to check.

To see if the browser with your current version is vulnerable to Specter, you can use Tencent's tool, China's No. 1 Internet service provider, to check.

Specter and Meltdown are two vulnerabilities that are adversely affecting millions of devices using Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS operating systems . In which browsers are the main target of Specter. Big tech firms like Microsoft and Intel immediately released patches for these two critical vulnerabilities.

The instructions below will help you quickly check if your current browser is vulnerable to Specter.

Please go to Tencent's tooling address -> Click on Click to Check .

Picture 1 of Instructions for checking the Specter vulnerability for the browser with Tencent's tool

If the red text appears on the screen (below), your browser is affected by Specter. Now you need a solution to fix the Specter vulnerability.

Picture 2 of Instructions for checking the Specter vulnerability for the browser with Tencent's tool

If the blue text appears on the screen, it is not that you can be assured of the browser and the version you are using. As recommended by the testing tool itself, you still need to be alert to Specter and other vulnerabilities.

Picture 3 of Instructions for checking the Specter vulnerability for the browser with Tencent's tool

See more:

  1. There is an iOS and Mac update that fixes the Specter vulnerability
  2. Intel: After installing Specter / Meltdown vulnerability patch your computer will slow down to 10%
  3. Instructions on how to fix blue screen error, cannot start when installing Microsoft patches
Update 23 May 2019


Mac OS X



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