Important holidays in the year of Vietnam

Important holidays in the year of Vietnam. Almost every month there are important holidays and anniversaries in lunar and solar calendar. Do you know?

Most countries in the world, including Vietnam, have their own culture and customs, bearing the national identity of that country.

Talking about the culture, we can not fail to mention the big and important holidays in a year and often the anniversaries and family reunion days of Vietnamese people. However, today there are many people, especially the younger generation, who do not care and remember all these celebrations.

Therefore, to help you remember but this holiday, the following article Network Administrator would like to share with you a list of the most important holidays of Vietnam, both the calendar and the lunar calendar. . From there, viewers can capture the timing of important holidays and prepare Tet greetings or interesting friends meetings for everyone.

Important New Year holidays in the lunar calendar

1. 1/1: Chinese New Year

  1. Voting offerings for the golden ceremony saw the ancestors on Tet holiday
  2. The origin and human meaning of the Lunar New Year
  3. Origin and customary meaning to celebrate the Tet holiday

Picture 1 of Important holidays in the year of Vietnam

This is the first day of the new year, showing the sympathy between heaven and earth and people with the gods in the conception of the East. But most sacred is the day of the union of every family. Whenever the New Year comes, whatever job is done, wherever it is, it is expected to return to reunite under the family home for 3 days of Tet holiday, everyone together pray before the ancestor altar, visit the house worship, graves, wells, yard, . are revived with the memories full of love of beloved childhood. "Going home to celebrate Tet", it is not a common concept of going back and forth, but a pilgrimage to the source, where the umbilical cuttings are buried.

2. January 15: High-ranking ceremony

3. March 3: Real Korean New Year

  1. The necessary items for real Korean Tet offerings
  2. Korean New Year - Tet cake, vegetarian cake

Picture 2 of Important holidays in the year of Vietnam

Every year on the 3rd day of the third lunar month, all people in all parts of the country gather together to prepare for the important holiday, the real New Year or many places also known as Tet cake, vegetarian cake. . This is a day when the children and grandchildren have the opportunity to show their respect to their grandparents, ancestors, expressing morality to drink water to remember their source. Listening to the name, we also learned that on this New Year day people will prepare drifting cakes, vegetarian cakes to give to their grandparents. This day was derived from China, later introduced into Vietnam, but Vietnamese people still preserve the culture of the nation.

4. 10/3: Hung Kings' death anniversary

  1. History and meaning of Hung Vuong's death anniversary 10/3
  2. Guide the way, buy holiday gifts, have fun when going to Hung Temple - Phu Tho

Picture 3 of Important holidays in the year of Vietnam

"No matter who goes backwards

Remember the death anniversary of March 10 "

These verses have long entered the minds of all Vietnamese people. On the 10th day of the third lunar month, people from all parts of the country flocked to Phu Tho with pride in grateful to Hung Kings who had great merit in chasing the invaders and protecting them. independence for our country today.

5. April 15: Buddha's Birthday

  1. The origin, the meaning of Buddha's Birthday and the rituals are indispensable on this day

Besides Vu Lam and Thanh Dao ceremonies, Buddha's Birthday is also a very important holiday for Buddhist followers. This is a day for everyone to remember and express their respect for the Buddha and the patriarchs. This day is held every year on April 15 of the lunar calendar. On this day, Buddhists often do things like do not kill, just eat vegetarian, release things like snails, pigeons, eels, . And do volunteer work to help people.

6. 5/5 Doan Ngo New Year

7. July 15 Vu Lan Festival

8. August 15: Mid-Autumn Festival

  1. Origin, customs and meaning of the Mid-Autumn Festival
  2. How to decorate five fruits on Mid-Autumn Festival

Picture 4 of Important holidays in the year of Vietnam

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a day of Chinese origin, and is usually celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month every year. Just like the New Year days in the year, Mid-Autumn Festival is also a time when all family members will gather together to walk together to watch the moon, watch the lion dance, and arts at their places. living in the organization, after watching, they will go home together to "break the neck" under the bright moonlight of the full moon. Traditional dishes of this day will be baked scones and flexible cakes, besides there will be typical fruits of that season.

9. 9/9 Tết Trung Cuu

10. 10/10: New Year's Eve

11. October 15: Ha Nguyen New Year

12. 12/12: Bring the Quan Quan to heaven

  1. The legend of the Kitchen God
  2. How to choose carp to worship Mr. Cong Mr. Tao the most standard

On December 23 of the lunar calendar every year, together, each family prepares to go to the market early to choose the beautiful goldfish and the necessary foods to prepare for important work, the day of giving. Mr. Tao came to heaven. On this day, according to everyone's notion that, after one year of running the kitchen for my family, the Kitchen God will return to heaven to report on the situation of work and social issues one year under the earth for Ngoc Hoang knows.

13. December 30: Giao Thua

  1. Voting and worshiping texts in the house and outdoors
  2. Worship of the Year-end Ceremony on the 30th New Year

Picture 5 of Important holidays in the year of Vietnam

New Year's Eve is a sacred and important moment, a time of transition between the old and the new year. In this moment, each of us will wish each other new blessings and joys that will come in the coming New Year days. Besides, people still believe that this will be the moment when Hanh Hanh ruling the work will hand over the work to each other, there will be a custodian and earthman each year.

Important New Year holidays in the calendar year

14. 1/1: New Year's calendar

  1. Unexpected code decoding on New Year's Day
  2. The vow of worship is the star of the Year of the Rooster 2017

Besides the Lunar New Year, in recent years in Vietnam we still welcome a customary Tet of Western people that is the New Year. This is the end of a year, on this day everyone in the world will gather together and congratulate each other with much joy and luck. Also in Vietnam, because it is still quite new, so people will also organize meals, but not as big as the Lunar New Year, the Tet holiday of our Vietnamese people.

February 14: Valentine's Day (valentine)

  1. Find out the meaning of Valentine's Day, Red and Black
  2. Learn the origin and meaning of White Valentine 14/3
  3. 14/4 black valentine day for lonely people

Picture 6 of Important holidays in the year of Vietnam

Valentine 14/2 is a special day of the year for couples who are in love. On this day they will go out to eat and hang out together, wish each other the best things that will come to their love, and they hope that their love will go to the shore of happiness. each other forever.

16. February 27: Vietnamese physician's day

17. 8/3: International Women's Day

  1. Learn the history of International Women's Day 8/3

Picture 7 of Important holidays in the year of Vietnam

Every year on March 8, everyone gives their congratulations and thanks to the women, grandmothers, mothers and wives who sacrificed for their families so that their families are always happy. Happy and a strong rear for husbands to be assured of their work. So on this day, please take some time to thank them from the bottom of their hearts.

18. 26/3: The date of establishment of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

19. 1/4: April Fool's Day

  1. April Fools - Interesting origins and meanings you should know
  2. Lie, joke April Fool's Day for April 1 adds fun (Part 2)

1/4 is a lie, this is an extremely interesting day for us, especially those who are funny and funny. On this day we can freely lie without fear of the enemy angry at me, besides this day will bring us a funny and funny laughter for more meaningful lives.

20. April 30: Southern Liberation Day

21. 1/5: International Labor Day

22. 7/5: The day of Dien Bien Phu victory

23. May 13: Mother's Day

24. May 19: President Ho Chi Minh's birthday

25. 1/6: International Children's Day

26. June 17: Father's Day

27. June 21: Vietnam press day

28. June 28: Vietnamese family day

29. 11/7: World Population Day

30. 27/7: War Invalids and Martyrs Day

31. 28/7: The date of establishment of a Vietnamese trade union

32. August 19: The day of general uprising

33. September 2: National Day

34. September 10: Vietnam Fatherland Front's founding day

35. 1/10: International day of the elderly

36. 10/10: Liberation day of the capital

37. 13/10: Vietnamese businessman's day

38. October 20: Vietnamese Women's Day

  1. What gifts do you give to Vietnamese Women's Day 20-10?
  2. Take the best and most meaningful 20/10 wishes to women

On October 20, all Vietnamese women deserve the best wishes from men. On this day do not hesitate to show your affection to them, they will surely be very happy.

39. October 31: Halloween Day

  1. Halloween festival - Origin, meaning and interesting things to know

Picture 8 of Important holidays in the year of Vietnam

Halloween, a great festival that was introduced to Vietnam and is expected by young, excited people will take place on October 31 every year. On this day everyone will set fire, make lanterns from pumpkins and disguise them as spooky, scary characters and traditional dishes.

40. 9/11: Vietnamese law day

41. November 20: Vietnamese Teacher's Day

  1. November 20: Learn about the historical significance of Vietnamese Teachers' Day
  2. Summary of good 20-11 wishes for teachers

Picture 9 of Important holidays in the year of Vietnam

November 20 every year, all over the country, from parents to students together towards the day to honor Vietnamese teachers. This is also an opportunity for the generation of students to express their gratitude and gratitude to the "silent boatmen" on the river.

42. November 23: The date of establishment of the Vietnam Red Cross

43. 1/12: World AIDS Day

44. December 19: National day of resistance

45. December 24: Christmas day

  1. The origin and meaning of Christmas
  2. 9 common practices on Christmas

Picture 10 of Important holidays in the year of Vietnam

Christmas is a traditional American festival and later held quite popular worldwide in December every year. Although Christmas is a holiday for Christians, every day, every person, any religion, will enjoy the natural joy of the Christmas atmosphere.

46. ​​December 22: The date of establishment of the Vietnam People's Army

Update 24 May 2019


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