IBM sued the laptop battery vendor for errors

IBM recently filed a lawsuit against online retailer Shentech, accusing the company of selling its notebook battery with a potentially explosive and spoofing faulty product.

IBM recently filed a lawsuit against online retailer Shentech, accusing the company of selling its notebook battery with a potentially explosive and spoofing faulty product.

The contents of the lawsuit filed on November 20 by the Shentech offense were subject to trademark infringement, false product advertising, unfair competition and business fraud.

IBM said some of its customers in Ohio bought some of Shentech's laptop batteries for the IBM ThinkPad line. In the process of using the customer has encountered a case of battery overheating and fire causing serious damage.

Picture 1 of IBM sued the laptop battery vendor for errors
The customer then reported a problem to Lenovo - who had bought and owned the brand of IBM ThinkPad laptop. After a detailed examination, IBM discovered that battery products were not a genuine battery.

Testing of 12 laptop battery products from Shentech, IBM also discovered that most of these products are fake.

IBM asked the court to force Shentech to hand over all of the counterfeit batteries in order to destroy it, plus all of the profits that Shentech has earned from trading the forged product. In addition, Shentech has to compensate IBM for $ 1 million for forging products.

Meanwhile, Shentech continues to sell ThinhPad laptop battery products on its website.

Hoang Dung

Update 25 May 2019


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