Step 1 : After logging in, click Zalo chat with any friend you want to send a business card to.
Click on the plus sign in the bottom right corner of the chat box. Then click on the three dots (Menu) in the bottom right corner of the screen.
How to send business cards on Zalo, introduce friends to make friends Picture 1
Step 2 : Here, you will see the Business Card icon appear.
How to send business cards on Zalo, introduce friends to make friends Picture 2
Step 3: Select Zalo username, click the send icon in the top right corner of the screen.
However, you can only send a maximum of 9 business cards at a time.
Zalo has improved with the feature of accepting friend requests from business cards, similar to the feature of accepting messages on Facebook Messenger, helping users avoid spam effectively.
The platform also offers a friend blocking feature, which allows you to limit communication with people who are inappropriate or infrequently contacted. However, blocking friends on Zalo does not mean you cannot chat, but only minimizes interactions from them. You can unblock at any time to restore the original state. recommends that you carefully research Zalo accounts before adding friends. This helps avoid being scammed or becoming the target of individuals who specialize in spamming sales or sending fraudulent messages.