You can also select Advanced system settings and then select the Computer Name tab.
The third way is to use Control Panel. Type Domain in the search field, select Join a Domain .
The machine will ask you to confirm the administrator password.
3. Click the Computer Name tab, select Change
4. Under Member of , select Domain
5. Type the domain name you want to join, select OK
You will be asked for your domain name and password.
Once you successfully login to the domain, restart your computer so that the steps above work.
Alternatively, you can select Network ID to use Join a Domain or Workgroup wizard to automatically connect to the domain and create an account on the domain. This way will cost you more time but I'm sure everyone wants to use this way.
Select " My companny uses a network with a domain ".
Provide domain names and certifications.
Confirm one more time
You will have to boot to complete the process.
Method 2: Use NETDOM
By using NETDOM, you can combine domain joining steps with a single command.
Unlike previous operating systems, you do not have to use support tools to install NETDOM
Open a command window and type the following:
netdom join% computername% /domain:DOMAIN.COM / userd: DOMAINadministrator / passwordd: P @ ssw0rd
Restart after completion.