How to find the nearest motel quickly
Motel, also known as motel, is a resting place for passersby. Guest houses are smaller than hotels and have lower comfort levels. However, there are still enough basic amenities such as air-conditioners, toilets, televisions . and prices are only affordable motels.
In many cases, you may need to rent a vacation home to stay overnight because you miss the bus, or go out past the hour when the landlord does not open . How to find recent motels in your liking, follow the instructions below to quickly find motels on smartphones.
How to find cheap motels nearby quickly
Step 1: First to find the nearest motel, use the Google Maps map application. Select the address field and enter the Guest House, remember to mark the search results to be more accurate.
If the network is fast, there will be a list of nearby motels just below the search box. You can quickly choose the nearest motel to move to.
Step 2: That's if you don't care about quality of service or price. If you want to find a hostel with a detailed service rating and have the price range you want to choose, drag the bar below the search box and select Other filters .
Here you will find check-in time and check-out time. Sort by relevance, distance and price. Below is the price per night and the rating, select it and then click Apply .
Next, you will get motels with prices that match your choice as shown below. Drag the window from the bottom up and you'll see a list of suitable motels, choose one of them and click Directions , remember to allow Google Maps to access your location before.
In addition to Google Maps, you can also use other map applications to find your vacation home. But if you want to quickly find any motel, use the instructions above to find motels that are affordable.