How to Survive Without the Internet on Vacation
Vacation should be a chance to unwind, relax, and de-stress. While you might think that Internet access is a necessity, think again. It may be hard to imagine taking a break from the Internet, but going off the grid on vacation just takes...
Method 1 of 3:
Planning Ahead for the Necessities
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Learn to navigate without a phone. Getting used to being Internet-free means being resourceful. You'll want to make sure that you have maps to help find your way to your vacation spot and then around the vacation spot once you're there. If you prefer something smaller than a paper map, you can also check out an offline GPS app that will work for you without needing Internet access.[1]- Print maps ahead of time. If you're printing them from the Internet, you can often print both long views and close ups to help you avoid getting lost.
- Buy paper maps. They can come in handy if you need to detour while you're traveling if roads are closed or traffic is bad.
- Many cities and states provide maps for tourist on request. Request them for areas you'll be visiting. Your hotel or resort may also have helpful paper maps on-hand as well.
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Stay in contact with those in your party. If you plan on splitting up, don't lose touch. With a little preparation, you can stay connected for emergencies, changes in your plan, or just to share something great you saw.- Buy walkie-talkies. Be warned: while some might say that they provide service up to thirty miles, that might only be in ideal conditions. They aren't recommended for an emergency.
- Use offline chat apps.[2] This option is handy if you travel with teens that wander off on their own.
- Pick specific meeting times and places. Make sure the entire party is aware of where and when, and that they understand that meeting up is mandatory.
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Avoid your email. Even on vacation, emails pile up from work, friends, and family. Don't let yourself focus on what you're missing.- Set up an away message that includes your return date and an alternate contact.
- Let the emails stack up. You can deal with them later.
- Send letters and postcards. Instant communication lets us get lazy and sloppy. Brighten the day of a friend or family member with some good old-fashioned snail mail.
- If you must, give in. Don't let your Internet break do more harm than good.
Method 2 of 3:
Staying Active
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Immerse yourself in activities. When you're active, your body releases endorphins which elevate your mood.[3]The enjoyment you get from the activities will keep you from focusing on the "loss" of the Internet.- Eat. You don't need the internet to tell you ratings if the restaurant you just walked past smelled amazing.
- Play a game. Card games, dominoes, and even board games are great ways to spend time with others.
- Visit an arcade. Be a pinball wizard, throw a few skee balls, or kill some zombies.
- Attend a mixer. Hotels and resorts often have happy hours and events for the residents to attend.
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Learn about the culture. Instead of holing up in your room with your computer or your phone, giving up the Internet allows you to find out what's around you. You can soak in the local ambiance and connect with your vacation spot.- Find museums or landmarks. Many sites offer audio-guided tours that allow you to fully experience the things you see without the need for Google.
- Find local music. You may decide to try out a dance class or just listen to what the area has to offer.
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Exercise. Physical activity gets your blood and adrenaline pumping. Even if you're not an exercise junkie, there are plenty of ways to work out that don't feel like work. In addition to the exercise, you may also be able to learn something about your vacation spot or see something new.- Take a walking tour or hike. If you choose to hike, look for a local guide to keep from getting lost.
- Use your hotel or resort's amenities. Most resorts have a gym, a basketball court, a lap pool, or more.
- Do some yoga. Hit up a local class around town.
- Mix exercise with adventure. Try extreme sports like wind surfing, sky-diving, bungee jumping, or whitewater rafting.
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Unplug. Sometimes you have to do nothing in order to feel that you're doing something. Allow yourself to slow down and take in your experiences. Go out and enjoy nature. Spending time outside can help to relieve your stress. Enjoy the sights, listen to the sounds, take in the smells, and view the landscapes around you.[4]- If you're at a hotel or spa, take advantage of services or amenities that can take your stress away. You could lounge at a pool (remember to use sunscreen and keep hydrated!) or get a massage, a manicure and pedicure, or a facial.
- You can also meditate. Take time to be alone with yourself. You'll be surprised at how differently you perceive yourself and the world around you after you've been alone with your thoughts. [5]
- Sleep. Bring a sleep mask and some quiet music to listen to.[6]
- Read. Immerse yourself in other worlds and let this one slip away.
Method 3 of 3:
Capturing Your Memories in a New Way
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Take photos. You don't need your phone to capture the world around you. To remember your vacation and share those memories with others, you can grab a disposable camera or bring a Polaroid camera. The latter type of camera has come back into style. Some of the new styles even allow you to take photos on sticker paper, and others have a digital component where you can save the file before you print it out, allowing you to have both a physical and a digital copy.- Alternatively, you could seek out a photo booth. Many tourist spots – and even some stores – have a photo booth so you can capture fun memories. While most require cash, some now take credit cards.
- Buy a waterproof disposable camera if you would like to take pictures near a body of water.
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Draw for a rewarding visual memory. There's an artist hiding inside you! Take the time to observe and transfer what you see to paper. Let others see your vacation through your eyes, or keep the drawings to yourself. Start by doing quick sketches - spend five minutes committing the scene to paper. Don't worry about getting every detail.- Try blind contour drawings. To do this type of drawing, avoid looking at the paper. Look only at the subject. Keep your pen or pencil on the paper, and give yourself over to creativity. You'll get an abstract image, but the more you do, the more life you'll breathe into your drawings. [7]
- Take home rubbings. This technique is very popular at old historic sites and cemeteries. Lay a piece of paper over a hard surface, then rub a stick of chalk, charcoal, or even a crayon over the surface to get an imprint of what's on the other side.[8]
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Journal to bring home your memories in a written form. Writing can give you a chance to think about what you're doing, allowing you a fuller, more rounded experience. A journal can help you remember a funny conversation you overheard or something you've never seen before. It doesn't take long to make a note about something unique, and the time you spend writing will provide you time to reflect on the enjoyment you're having. [9]You can bring a journal with you or buy one on location if you're looking for some local flair.- Jot down thoughts about your vacation as they occur to you.
- Pen an essay. You can keep it to yourself or even share it as a blog post once you're home again.
- Write poetry. Allow the inspiration from your new surroundings to fill you up.
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