How to check computer IP with TrueIP

There are many tools and software to help you check your IP address and TrueIP is one of them. With TrueIP, you will know clearly what your network and non-network addresses are, thereby copying storage or sharing parameters when necessary.

Checking the IP address brings many benefits in the network system. Knowing the IP address will help us control components in the network if you own a system. In addition, for those who are curious, checking your computer's IP with TrueIP is something you should try, you will clearly know your "home address" in the local network with the system. And using TrueIP is enough for those new to exploring and understanding this issue when this software only has two main functions: scanning local LAN IP addresses and scanning external network IP addresses.

How to check computer IP with TrueIP Picture 1How to check computer IP with TrueIP Picture 1

TrueIP also allows you to save previously used IP addresses, but only local IP addresses, just like other IP scanning software such as Ping Tester or Metascan Online both have this mode. With Ping Tester , you will be able to check whether the network Ping is normal and whether the operation is stable or not.

Check computer IP with TrueIP, view computer IP

Step 1: To check your computer's IP with TrueIP, of course you must download and install TrueIP first, Download TrueIP .

Step 2: After completing the download and installation of TrueIP, you will immediately see parameters including your IP address and computer name.

How to check computer IP with TrueIP Picture 2How to check computer IP with TrueIP Picture 2

In the IP Addresses section we have 2 parameters: Local Address and External Address :

- Local Address is the IP address in your local network, Lan system and is usually in the form 192.168.1.x with x from 1 to 255.

- External Address is your IP address identified when connecting to foreign services and websites. This is also the general address for a network system, not just for each individual computer.

Step 3: In TrueIP you have another feature called Copy All Information , you can copy your device information, IP address including Local and External to store or share depending on the purpose of use.

How to check computer IP with TrueIP Picture 3How to check computer IP with TrueIP Picture 3

For example, storing it in Notepad, this Copy All information action is similar to the Copy Ctrl + C function on a computer.

How to check computer IP with TrueIP Picture 4How to check computer IP with TrueIP Picture 4

Step 4: When you click on the taskbar icon, the Options section opens , which will allow you to customize more.

In the General section are options to display Pop up notifications, run in hidden mode or start with Windows with Run at Windows Startup.

How to check computer IP with TrueIP Picture 5How to check computer IP with TrueIP Picture 5

Also in the Check Frequency line is the maximum IP check time each time, the default is 600 seconds and you can change it. Attached below allows quick copying of Ip address with 2 click option.

- TrueIP also supports many different search sources by allowing you to Retrieve public IP address from, this is a feature to add an external IP check source (External Address). Furthermore, the software is also very careful when supporting notifications when IP addresses change, checking IP by server and storing Log File.

With the above instructions, you have learned more about a way to check your computer's IP with TrueIP, a quick way to answer the questions of many readers who often ask TipsMake how to see the IP address on the computer. And TrueIP works quite simply, with basic background features you can completely rest assured that it will not affect the system.

And if you don't know how to change the IP address, you can refer to the article on how to change the IP address here.

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