How to check if the computer is running well or not?
Checking your computer to see if it is working properly is a must when you buy a computer. Even if your computer is new with a warranty, you should not skip this step. We will show you how to general check your computer to see if it is working properly or not.
General check of the outside and inside of the computer
How to check if the computer is running well or not? Picture 1 Check the components inside the computer
Check the outside appearance
Check the outside appearance to see if the case is dented or broken. If there are these signs, be careful because it can affect the internal components.
Check internal parts and components
Open the lid of the case to check if the internal components are different or not. For old computers, the components can be dusty but must not be moldy or rusty and there should be no traces of insect bites, cockroaches, mice, etc.
Check the parameters of the computer's hardware components
Check the parameters of the computer's hardware components such as processor - CPU, memory - RAM, motherboard - Motherboard, graphics equipment -Graphics, hard drives - Storage, optical drives - Optical Drives, Audio equipment,. see if it's true to the introduction or not.
Instructions on how to view the parameters of computer components with the utility software Speccy
Check for errors when installing the operating system
During the installation process, the operating system will check the hardware and configure the computer to work properly, if the computer's components have any problem, the operating system will report an error and may not complete the installation process. This can be considered a general test for computers and if possible, you should perform this test.
See instructions on how to install Windows XP operating system
See instructions on how to install Windows 7 operating system
See instructions on how to install Windows 8 operating system
See instructions on how to install Windows 10 operating system
You must install the operating system from the original installer, do not use the pre-installer from Ghost, Image,.
Check your computer's power management functions
How to check if the computer is running well or not? Picture 2 Check your computer's power management functions
Check the computer's on and off function
Please turn on the computer and let it boot until the operating system's interface screen appears, then turn off the computer by going to the Start Menu and using the Shut Down command , the computer must automatically power off, no restart automatically and without any error message.
Check your computer's restart function
You continue to turn on the computer and let it boot until the operating system's interface is displayed, then let the computer restart by going to the Start Menu and using the command Shut Down -> Restart , the computer had to reboot and show the OS screen without any error message.
Check the sleep function - Sleep, Standby of the computer
After the computer restarts until the operating system interface screen appears, now give the computer a break by going to the Start Menu and using the Sleep or Standby command . The computer will go into sleep mode, not shutting down, not restarting and without any error messages. Wait for a few minutes, press any key on the keyboard or click on the mouse button, the computer must work again immediately and the operating system interface screen must appear without hanging. , stand or restart automatically.
In sleep mode - Sleep, Standby, the computer's screen will not display anything, the screen's power indicator will switch to standby (from green to yellow or flashing). The computer will not turn off completely, the fan will stop working, the power indicator will change color or blink. At this time, the computer will consume very little power.
Check if the computer runs stably or not
See instructions on how to use the computer
Please start the computer and then open the pre-installed application programs such as Word, Excel, Photoshop, CorelDraw, . open a Web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer,. ) and visit websites. Open multiple application programs and Web browser windows and have them active at the same time. If the computer does not freeze, hang, or restart, that's fine.
How to check if the computer is running well or not? Picture 3 Open multiple application programs and Web browser windows and have them active at the same time
Install and use your programs to check that they work well on the computer you want to buy.
Check your computer's network connection, graphics and audio devices
Please start your computer, then open a Web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, .) and visit the YouTube website to watch the video clips. Make the video display in full screen and check if the displayed image is smooth, the audio channels are full. Let the computer work for as long as possible to see if it hangs, freezes or crashes when running for a long time.
Check the USB, Headphone, Microphone ports on the front and back of the computer
You need to prepare a USB drive and a headset with a microphone to try these connections.
How to check if the computer is running well or not? Picture 4 Check the USB, Headphone, Microphone ports on the front and back of the computer
You should read it
- How to check computer hardware information using Speccy
- How to view the parameters of computer components using Speccy
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