Check MD5 code, check MD5 code of any file on the computer quickly and accurately
When downloading files from the Internet to a computer, we often check the MD5 code to check the integrity of the file, make sure that the file is safe and original as the website provides. So how do we check the MD5 code?
Please follow the article below to know how to quickly check the MD5 code of any file on your computer.
Check MD5 code, check MD5 code of any file on the computer quickly and accurately Picture 1
What is the MD5 code?
The MD5 (Message Digest algorithm 5) code is a commonly used cryptographic function with a 128-bit value.
MD5 code is generated from any input string, so it is often used to check the integrity of the file, showing that the file has not been changed.
If the file you downloaded has a good MD5 code with the MD5 listed on the page provided, it is likely that the file you downloaded was incomplete, or modified (insert trojans, viruses, .) compared to the original version. fake supply.
The authors publish the file's MD5 to prevent you from downloading the file elsewhere that could be attached to malicious programs. So you can see that checking the MD5 of the file is also very important, just like checking your IMEI on your phone. When you recognize the MD5 of the file is different from the published MD5, carefully review the version at the download site, then scan the file with Antivirus before using.
How to check MD5 on the computer quickly and accurately
Check MD5 on computer using the software
1. MD5 Checker software
Step 1: Download and install MD5 Checker software here. At the main interface of the software, click Add to add the file to check.
Check MD5 code, check MD5 code of any file on the computer quickly and accurately Picture 2
Step 2: Select the file and click Open . Here I choose MD5Checker file always to give you an example because I have not prepared any other files.
Check MD5 code, check MD5 code of any file on the computer quickly and accurately Picture 3
Step 3: At the output, you will see the MD5 code stream of the file, compare it with the code line provided by the author:
Check MD5 code, check MD5 code of any file on the computer quickly and accurately Picture 4
Check MD5 code, check MD5 code of any file on the computer quickly and accurately Picture 5
Thus, the MD5 of the file you downloaded has coincided with the author file provided, we can safely use.
2. MD5 Fastest File Splitter and Joiner check software
Step 1: Download and install FFSJ software here.
Step 2 : Open the software, select the MD5 Checksum tab and click the Open file icon .
Check MD5 code, check MD5 code of any file on the computer quickly and accurately Picture 6
Step 3 : Select the file you want to check MD5 and click Open.
Check MD5 code, check MD5 code of any file on the computer quickly and accurately Picture 7
Step 4 : Click Get & Copy , you will receive the MD5 code line that the software detects.
Check MD5 code, check MD5 code of any file on the computer quickly and accurately Picture 8
3. Checking MD5 with the extremely light WinMD5Free software
Step 1 : Download and install the WinMD5Free software.
Step 2: Open the software, in the main interface, click Browse .
Check MD5 code, check MD5 code of any file on the computer quickly and accurately Picture 9
Step 3: Select the file you want to test MD5, click Open.
Check MD5 code, check MD5 code of any file on the computer quickly and accurately Picture 10
Step 4: MD5 code will be displayed immediately, you proceed to check by copying MD5 published by the manufacturer into the MD5 Checksum line and then click Verify.
Check MD5 code, check MD5 code of any file on the computer quickly and accurately Picture 11
Check MD5 code, check MD5 code of any file on the computer quickly and accurately Picture 12
The screen shows the matching MD5 code:
Check MD5 code, check MD5 code of any file on the computer quickly and accurately Picture 13
Check MD5 by website
Step 1: You access the website In the main interface, click " Select file ".
Check MD5 code, check MD5 code of any file on the computer quickly and accurately Picture 14
Step 2: Select the file you need to check MD5 and Open.
Check MD5 code, check MD5 code of any file on the computer quickly and accurately Picture 15
Step 3 : Copy the code MD5 provider announced and the Compare with box to compare:
Check MD5 code, check MD5 code of any file on the computer quickly and accurately Picture 16
When you see a green tick, it means that the MD5 code of the file is correct, you can safely use it.
These are the two fastest and most accurate ways to check MD5 with software and websites, helping you to protect your computer from malicious files. Wish you a successful practice!
You should read it
- How to check the code MD5 and SHA1 to check the integrity of the file
- Instructions for checking MD5 code when downloading files
- Check MD5 and SHA1 to check file integrity
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