How to build web components using Stencil.js

Stencil.js is a compiler that generates web components compatible with all modern browsers. Stencil.js provides tools and APIs that help you build fast, efficient, and scalable web components.

Stencil.js is a compiler that generates web components compatible with all modern browsers. Stencil.js provides tools and APIs that help you build fast, efficient, and scalable web components.

Picture 1 of How to build web components using Stencil.js

Stencil.js User Manual

First, you need to launch it on your computer. Do this by running the following command in the node.js terminal:

npm init stencil

After running this command, a prompt will appear on the screen for you to choose the project you want to start:

Picture 2 of How to build web components using Stencil.js

To continue, click the component selection, enter the name of the project and confirm the selection:

Picture 3 of How to build web components using Stencil.js


Next, change the directory of the project and install the dependencies by running the following commands:

cd first-stencil-project npm install

Create a new web component

To create a new web component in Stencil.js, create a directory path like src/components. This components directory will contain a TypeScript file named after your element, because Stencil.js uses TypeScript and JSX to develop the component. This folder also contains a CSS file that contains the element's style.

For example, if you want to build a component named my-button, create a file named my-button.tsx and a CSS file named my-button.css. In the file my-button.tsx , define the element using the Stencil.js API:

import { Component, h } from '@stencil/core'; @Component({   tag: 'my-button',   styleUrl: 'my-button.css',   shadow: true, }) export class MyButton {   render() {     return (            );   } }

This code imports Component and h from Stencil.js. The Component function identifies the element, and the h function creates its markup in HTML.

Define the component with @Component , which takes an object with 3 properties: tag , styleUrl , and shadow .

The tag attribute contains the tag name of the element. The styleUrl property defines the CSS file to style the custom element. Finally, the shadow property is a boolean, indicating whether the element will use the Shadow DOM to encapsulate the element's styles & operations. In the render method, create a button.

In addition to the styleUrl property , you can use more properties to style elements: style and styleUrls .

The style attribute defines the inline style for this element. It takes a string value representing the element's CSS style:

import { Component, h } from '@stencil/core'; @Component({   tag: 'my-button',   style: `     button {       padding: 1rem 0.5rem;       border-radius: 12px;       font-family: cursive;       border: none;       color: #e2e2e2;       background-color: #333333;       font-weight: bold;     } `,   shadow: true, }) export class MyButton {   render() {     return (            );   } }


The styleUrls property defines multiple files outside of the CSS for styling the element. It takes an array of string values ​​representing the paths to the CSS file:

import { Component, h } from '@stencil/core'; @Component({   tag: 'my-button',   styleUrls: ['my-button.css', 'another-button.css'],   shadow: true, }) export class MyButton {   render() {     return (            );   } }

Export web components

Once you've created the web element, you can export it to an HTML file by adding a custom element tag. Here's how you can include the my-button component:

                       Stencil Component Starter                         

Overall, Stencil.js is a powerful, fast and efficient tool for creating web components. Hope the article helps you better understand how to use Stencil.js.

Update 27 June 2023


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