Google revealed Project Vault: small computers like microSD cards

Project Vault uses ARM processors that are commonly used on most smartphones and tablets today, along with near-NFC-equipped devices along with an antenna. The size of a microSD card, this device also has 4 GB of encrypted volume. This ultraportable computer runs on a customized RTOS (Real Time Operating System) platform

Just last year, Intel's Edison computer seemed to be the world's best with the size of an SD memory card. Yet at the recent Google I / O event, Google revealed information about Project Vault, a super-compact computer project of the size of a microSD memory card, the type of memory card still used to expand capacity for most smartphones today.

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Picture 1 of Google revealed Project Vault: small computers like microSD cards

Designed by Google's ATAP ( Advanced Technology and Projects, Google), Project Vault is basically a computer, but the main task is for communication purposes. and confirm your account with high security, without using a password.

Project Vault uses ARM processors that are commonly used on most smartphones and tablets today, along with near-NFC-equipped devices along with an antenna. The size of a microSD card, this device also has 4 GB of encrypted volume. This ultraportable computer runs on a customized RTOS ( Real Time Operating Syste m) platform.

In the introduction, Google demonstrated how two users can chat with each other via two smartphones with Vault " memory card " attached. The chat data will be exchanged via Vault's encryption channel instead of smartphone wireless connections, so security will be ensured when even network operators cannot intervene.

With Project Vault, instead of typing in password strings that can be easily broken, users can be identified through other forms such as using patterns or other habits on the device. According to ATAP, this security method is 10 times more reliable than using a traditional password. Accordingly, if users regularly use Chrome and YouTube on smartphones, when another user uses the Vault can identify the device being compromised and can give a warning.

Update 25 May 2019


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