Function tmpnam () in C

The function char * tmpnam (char * str) in the C Library standard creates and returns a valid temporary file name (temp file) that did not exist before creation. If str is null, it returns the tmp file name.

The function char * tmpnam (char * str) in the C Library standard creates and returns a valid temporary file name (temp file) that did not exist before creation. If str is null, it returns the tmp file name.

Declare the function tmpnam () in C

Below is the declaration for the function tmpnam () in C:

 char * tmpnam ( char * str ) 


str - This is a pointer to a character array, where the proposed tempname name will be stored as a string.

Returns the value

The return value is a pointer to the string containing the proposed name for a temporary file. If str is a null pointer, it points to an internal buffer that will be overwritten the next time this function is called.

If str is not a null pointer, str is returned. If this function fails to create a suitable filename, it returns a null pointer.

For example

The following C program illustrates the usage of the function tmpnam () in C:

 #include int main () { char buffer [ L_tmpnam ]; char * ptr ; tmpnam ( buffer ); printf ( "Ten cua temp file thu nhat: %sn" , buffer ); ptr = tmpnam ( NULL ); printf ( "Ten cua temp file thu hai: %sn" , ptr ); return ( 0 ); } 

Compiling and running the above C program will result:

Picture 1 of Function tmpnam () in C

According to Tutorialspoint

Previous article: Function tmpfile () in C

Next lesson: Function fprintf () in C

Update 25 May 2019


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