Foods that enhance the memory of the son during the exam season

The season is approaching to give the children the best health, mothers should consult some of the foods below to protect their children's health during the exam season.

The exam season is getting closer and closer, the contests will continue continuously, which will make the soldiers lose a lot of energy to practice to get the best results.

In addition to urging children to learn more, the parents should provide more nutrients and make brain food for their children. Here are the recommended foods to use to help boost your memory, increase your ability to concentrate, and help your sons achieve high results in the upcoming exam.

1. Dark chocolate

Picture 1 of Foods that enhance the memory of the son during the exam season

When students are tired of studying and their minds are not so alert, students often choose coffee or tea to be more alert and help make learning more effective. But in fact these foods are extremely harmful to health, so if you want to be alert, you can use chocolate instead. Caffeine also has caffeine, which plays an important role in protecting the brain from the risk of oxidation.

2. Benefits from walnuts

Picture 2 of Foods that enhance the memory of the son during the exam season

Walnuts are particularly good foods for pregnant women, but they are also very beneficial for our health, especially with the brain. In walnuts that contain omega 3 fatty acids that help maintain structural fat, the substance accounts for up to 60% of the brain. This type of structural fat helps the brain function properly. The brain is the body's processing center, and its full complement of nutrients will enhance memory and awareness. It also helps reduce the risk of depression and behavioral problems.

3. Blueberries have wonderful uses

Picture 3 of Foods that enhance the memory of the son during the exam season

In the composition of blueberries, there are many valuable nutritional compounds such as carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin A . These substances work to improve memory and stimulate nerve signals to help brain process faster and combat stresses that negatively affect memory. Especially older people who eat blueberries often also help fight diseases such as dementia, alzheimer's disease .

4. Excellent use from spinach

Picture 4 of Foods that enhance the memory of the son during the exam season

Spinach is a vegetable that contains a lot of antioxidants and vitamins, especially vitamin E, which are beneficial for improving cognitive function, strengthening brain tissue formation and memory for you. study more quickly.

5. Fish contains many nutrients

Picture 5 of Foods that enhance the memory of the son during the exam season

Fish is an extremely beneficial source of food for the body, not only providing a rich amount of protein but also providing fatty acids (also known as omega). These substances are good for cardiovascular and nervous system. So in each family's meal should strengthen the fish for family such as mackerel, basa fish, herring . Besides on summer days can eat more crab soup, clam, or mussel is also A rich source of protein.

6. Great effect from carrots

Picture 6 of Foods that enhance the memory of the son during the exam season

Carrots are a very beneficial eye food because they are high in Vitamin A, not only in carrots but also rich in beta carotene, luteolin and natural ingredients that protect brain cells from damage. Injury due to toxin will also overcome symptoms such as forgetfulness.

7. Whole grains

Picture 7 of Foods that enhance the memory of the son during the exam season

Regular breakfast with dishes made from whole grains can help you focus all day, especially good for the sons during the exam season.

8. Types of beans

Picture 8 of Foods that enhance the memory of the son during the exam season

In beans there are many nutrients and glucose that are beneficial as support for communication between brain cells, making the brain alert, alert and able to concentrate on the work.

9. Unexpected benefits of sunflower seeds that you may not know

Picture 9 of Foods that enhance the memory of the son during the exam season

In sunflower seeds that contain a lot of dopamine, this substance is good for the brain and helps to increase motor function and ability to concentrate when studying and taking exams. Besides magnesium is also a substance present in sunflower seeds, this substance is good for the nervous system, relaxes nerves, counteracts hypotension and heart attacks that help the body Be more relaxed and comfortable.

10. Banana is a very good fruit for the brain

Picture 10 of Foods that enhance the memory of the son during the exam season

Bananas are good for the brain. Studies show that bananas are high in serotonin, a very important signal transmitter in the brain. Every 100g of bananas can be supplied to the body more than 1.7mg of serotonin, which improves the concentration of storms.

Experts recommend that brain workers should eat 2 bananas a day. Elderly people eating bananas improve memory disorders, are less prone to depression, from constipation, diabetes. Bananas are nutritious but moderate in energy.

11. Flaxseed is a super-beneficial food

Picture 11 of Foods that enhance the memory of the son during the exam season

Like sunflower seeds, flax seeds are very useful in strengthening concentration. Flax seeds contain magnesium, B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, have good effects in strengthening brain function.

12. Green tea

Picture 12 of Foods that enhance the memory of the son during the exam season

If you want to increase your concentration, green tea is one of the best choices to add to your daily diet. Because flavonoids contained in green tea are proven to help improve attention and memory.

Refer to some more articles:

  1. Top foods rich in vitamin C than oranges
  2. 25 cheap foods rich in nutrients and vitamins you need to know
  3. Brushing your teeth at any time of the day is the best
Update 24 May 2019


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