Find Co-founder to start your business, choose someone who has these 7 qualities

If you meet someone who owns these 7 qualities, choose them as co-founders to start your business

Choose Co-founder (co-founder - co-founder) to start a startup just like choosing a partner. Your wealth, success and happiness depend a lot on them.

If you're lucky, you can find a fellow partner in a conference, a meeting, or a daily job. However, most startups often face a lot of difficulties in choosing the right people and right ones. Here are the details of Neil Patel (Forbes Magazine) about 7 qualities of a co-founder that anyone who is planning to do business and needs to find "mate" can also refer to.

Picture 1 of Find Co-founder to start your business, choose someone who has these 7 qualities

1. There are additional skills for you

Certainly, no one wants to find a founder as his "copy": the lack of the right skills you lack and the "bad" features you have. In fact, a Co-founder needs to be a comrade and have to possess a few different skills.

  1. If you are a programmer, Co-founder should be a marketing expert.
  2. If you are a designer, Co-founder should be a developer.
  3. If you are an introvert, Co-founder should be an extrovert.
  4. If you are the "cool head", Co-founder should be the "hot head".
  5. If you are a quiet person, Co-founder should be the one who can attract people.

A model to choose Co-founder is a "builds, one sells" rule - it can be understood as " a producer - a seller" . One person is responsible for building the product and the other will undertake the promotion to the user. The founding team has a variety of personality, skills and abilities that will create strength.

2. There is a link about vision and value

Comrades (goals), co-values ​​(something important) are very difficult to identify, however, they are the core factors when you want to find co-founders to start a business. Before establishing a partnership, make sure that you and the future Co-founder stand on the same boat with the same vision and goals as you.

Above all, Co-founder will be the one to share with you the experience, not only success but also ups and downs. Only when working together, "real motives will be revealed" , in other words, the two must really understand each other even in a way that people often call "telepathy".

Picture 2 of Find Co-founder to start your business, choose someone who has these 7 qualities

A contrast to the vision of founders has been proven to be the cause of the failure of many startups and small businesses. So, before you start, carefully consider this element when looking for Co-founder.

3. The desire to learn

An ideal Co-Founder is someone who always aspires to experience and learn. Experience is a very wonderful "teacher" and the right person to start out with must be a person who has that character.

4. Energy

Starting a business is not for weak hearts, lack of will and sluggishness. Starting businesses need energy, development needs energy, existence needs energy. Therefore, you need to look for a strong Co-Founder both physically and mentally to overcome difficult times and rise from failure.

5. Emotional intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (Emotional Intelligence - EI) "is the ability to identify and control one's emotions as well as others'."

In a chaotic startup environment, emotional intelligence plays a very important role and the fact that the higher the EI index holders are, the more likely they are to become an excellent leader.

Picture 3 of Find Co-founder to start your business, choose someone who has these 7 qualities

The entrepreneurial path with enough ups and downs makes it easy for anyone to lose control, get angry and start blaming others. Therefore, a Co-Founder needs a strong will and a strong feeling to drive on the journey to integrate startup into a competitive and volatile business environment.

6. Flexibility

Co-founders must be a flexible person to quickly grasp market fluctuations and adjust appropriate action plans. If you choose a person who is too rigid, conservative and prejudiced, then with an unpredictable transformation environment, you cannot go along with them to fight the company.

7. Loyal 100% and transparent

Starting a business also means that you will have to spend a lot of money, energy and even have to do a lot of illegal things (to some extent).

Therefore, the key thing here is that the chosen "brother" must be absolutely loyal and straightforward when speaking out opinions and suggestions for a goal of successful start-up, and also need to be transparent. both in words and actions.

It is hard to find a perfect Co-Founder but not so you need to reduce the standards when looking for a companion. Starting a business is a very difficult process and the co-founder must be the one who understands and desires with you on that path.

Update 24 May 2019


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