Facebook's Twitter and Instagram accounts were suddenly hacked

Yesterday February 8, a series of official Facebook accounts on two social media platforms Twitter and Instagram were suddenly hacked.

On February 8, a series of official Facebook accounts on two social networking platforms Twitter and Instagram were suddenly hacked by the notorious hacker group OurMine. After successfully gaining access to Facebook's accounts on these social networking sites, the attackers posted an ironic status line: 'Even Facebook is hackable but at least their security better than Twitter " (Facebook can be hacked, but at least still more secure than Twitter) and upload the group logo image on Instagram.

Picture 1 of Facebook's Twitter and Instagram accounts were suddenly hacked
Facebook account on Twittter hacked
Picture 2 of Facebook's Twitter and Instagram accounts were suddenly hacked
Facebook account on Instagram hacked

Shortly after the status line was posted, Facebook regained access to the accounts and immediately deleted tweets shared by hackers. However, many people have recorded the funny cat-and-mouse situation between hacker and Facebook on Twitter, including application researcher Jane Manchun Wong:

Picture 3 of Facebook's Twitter and Instagram accounts were suddenly hacked

Twitter also later confirmed that two Facebook accounts, @Facebook and @Mesbah, were accessed illegally through a third-party platform. Also declare a lock account to restore access for Facebook.

Currently, all Facebook accounts on Twitter and Instagram are back to normal, and the engine of the attack is under investigation. However, according to security experts, the attack seems to be aimed at polishing the name and offering to use OurMine's security services without causing any major damage.

OurMine is one of the hacker groups that have been getting a lot of attention lately, specializing in hacking online accounts of high-value corporations or individuals. Last month, the group successfully gained access to a series of accounts of popular NFL rugby teams. Earlier, OurMine has also made a lot of noise when successfully hacking into the Twitter account of founder Jack Dorsey, or Google CEO Sundar Pichai.

Update 10 February 2020


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