Eventquery command in Windows
The eventquery command lists events and event properties from one or more event logs.
Applies to : Windows Server (Semi-Annual Channel), Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012.
Note: The eventquery command is not accepted and is not guaranteed to be supported in subsequent versions of Windows. This tool is integrated in Windows Server 2003.
The eventquery command lists events and event properties from one or more event logs.
Eventquery command syntax
eventquery[.vbs][/s Computer [/u Domain**User [/p** Password]]][/fi FilterName][/fo {TABLE | LIST | CSV}][/r EventRange [/nh] [/v] [/l [APPLICATION] [SYSTEM] [SECURITY] ["DNS server"] [UserDefinedLog] [DirectoryLogName] [*] ]
Parameter Description/ s Computer
To run this script, you must be running CScript. If you have not set the default Windows Script Host to CScript, enter:
cscript //h:cscript //s //nologo
For example
The following examples show how you can use the eventquery command:
eventquery / l system
eventquery / l mylog
eventquery / l application / l system
eventquery / s srvmain / u maindomhiropln / pp @ ssW23 / v / l *
eventquery / r 10 / l application / nh
eventquery / r-10 / fo LIST / l security
eventquery / r 5-10 / l "DNS server"
eventquery / fi "Type eq Error" / l application
eventquery / fi "Datetime eq 06/25 / 00.03: 15:00 AM/06/25/00.03: 15: 00PM" / l application
eventquery / fi "Datetime gt 08/03 / 00.06: 20: 00PM" / fi "id gt 700" / fi "Type eq warning" / l system
See more:
- What is an IP address?
- Endlocal command in Windows
- Edit command in Windows
Update 26 May 2019
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