eQuiz - Multiple choice test on XHTML

To be able to compare HTML and XHTML readers can refer to HTML and XHTML articles, but if you want to start familiarizing with new things related to XHTML, you can try some of the multiple choice questions below. here to see where your level of knowledge is.

  1. Sentence 1. XHTML is an acronym for:
    1. X-function of HTML
    2. Ex hyper Text Markup Language
    3. Extensible HyperText Markup Language
    4. Extensible Hype Manditory Learning
  2. Question 2. The concept of DTD is:
    1. Is the method attached to the object
    2. Detrimental Trasitional Development
    3. Document Type Declaration
    4. Difinitive Type Definition
  3. Question 3. Which of the following syntax statements is true:
    1. XHTML and SGML are all subset of HTML
    2. XHTML is the subset of SGML
    3. SGML is the XHTML subset
    4. SGML is another version of XHTML
  4. Question 4. Which of the following syntax statements is wrong:
    1. The XHTML document documents are not specifically analyzed in the browser before being displayed
    2. XHTML is analyzed with DTD
    3. Doctype Declaration has the effect of specifying which DTD will be analyzed
    4. XHTML syntax must be properly presented
  5. Sentence 5. Which of the following statements most accurately means:
    1. XHTML is more advanced than HTML
    2. HTML and XHTML are the same language
    3. XML and XHTML are used in the same context
    4. HTML has a faster download speed than XHTML in any situation
  6. Sentence 6. Which of the following statements is the least accurate:
    1. HTML is still the first choice for future web developers
    2. XHTML will replace most HTML pages on the Internet
    3. XHTML will be the perfect replacement for HTML
    4. HTML will cause more problems than the current time
  7. Question 7. XHTML will work well when validated:
    1. There is no need to always validate XHTML
    2. The above clause is wrong
    3. The above clause is true
    4. XHTML does not need to confirm
  8. Question 8. What should be done in order for XHTML to function properly?
    1. Source code must be written in capital letters
    2. XHTML documents should be checked and validated correctly
    3. At the end of each tag should be opened
    4. Users need to use a special browser
  9. Question 9. While writing XHTML:
    1. All Open and Close tags must be started and ended in XHTML
    2. The Close sections of the img tag should be opened
    3. Uppercase characters should not be used in Open and Close tags
    4. The Doctype Declaration component should have the Close tag similar to the img or meta tag
  10. Question 10. While writing XHTML:
    1. All properties do not need quotes in the value section
    2. All properties require quotation marks in the value section
    3. All values ​​require an attribute
  11. Question 11. Which XHTML syntax is used in 1 paragraph of text:
  12. Question 12. Which XHTML syntax is used to break the line:
  13. Question 13. Which of the following XHTML syntax is most accurate to describe the attributes and accompanying values:
    1. WIDTH = "80"
    2. width = "80"
    3. windth = 80
    4. Width = 80
  14. Question 14. All elements in the XHTML must be closed at the end of each tag:
    1. It's correct
    2. False
  15. Question 15. The syntax for declaring a DOCTYPE without a closing tag:
    1. It's correct
    2. False
  16. Question 16. Which of the following is required in an XHTML document:
    1. Doctype, html and body
    2. Doctype, html, head, body, and title
    3. Doctype, html, head, and body

  17. Question 17. What are the different DTDs in XHTML?
    1. Strict, Transitional, Loose, Frameset
    2. Strict, Transitional, Frameset
    3. Strict, Transitional, Loose
  18. Question 18. All XHTML documents require DOCTYPE:
    1. It's correct
    2. False
  19. Question 19. Which of the following XHTML code is considered to be the most accurate?
    1. A short paragraph

    2. A short paragraph

    3. A short paragraph

  20. Question 20. Which of the following statements is correct when used with the lang attribute:
    1. Hello World!
    2. Hello World!
    3. Hello World!
  21. Question 21. All XHTML tags and attributes must be written in lowercase?
    1. It's correct
    2. False
Update 24 May 2019


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