Eagle defeats a wolf in the blink of an eye

A wolf running in the snow fell into the sights of an eagle flying in the sky in search of prey. Immediately, the eagle rushed down from the air to close to the prey and launched an attack.

A wolf running in the snow fell into the sights of an eagle flying in the sky in search of prey. Immediately, the eagle rushed down from the air to close to the prey and launched an attack.

Thanks to the combination of strong legs, sharp claws and powerful wings, the eagle defeated the wolf in the blink of an eye.

Caught alive, the wolf could only resist weakly in the eagle's claws.

Picture 1 of Eagle defeats a wolf in the blink of an eye


The eagle is a bird of prey the apex of the sky. They have always been the terror of many animals, including on land, in water and in the sky. Their main food is animals from the size of a bat to the size of a deer. More than 400 species of vertebrates have been recorded as prey of the 'sky lord'.

The strength of eagles is thanks to their sharp eyes that can see their prey from a distance of 3,000 meters, their long wings that help them to fly at tremendous speed and especially the sharp claws on their full legs. strong. The eagle's talons can create hundreds of kilograms of force to help grasp and finish the prey quickly.

They can use their ferocious claws to grab their prey before nipping at the victim with a curved beak that can't be more terrifying. The largest species of eagle has a body length of more than 1m, weighs 7kg and has a wingspan of 1.5m to 2m.

Update 27 June 2023


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