Don't turn your passion into a business

Pursuing passion is a deranged, anomalous behavior and completely out of reach for those who live on average.

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Perhaps one of us also knows about the famous saying 'Follow your passion, success will pursue you' and of course many people believe in this, take it as a living motto, turn long-time passion into a business to pay for life. However, in business is not always as simple as you think, especially when turning your passion into work, lest it only bring negative effects that you lose your passion.

1. You don't have time to do the things you like

Picture 1 of Don't turn your passion into a business

Many people love it, pursue a field of passion and then take the time to make it a business from their own interests. For example, if you love flowers, you can open a flower shop to satisfy your pleasure. Or prefer hanmade clothing to open a store to trade these items. However, it is not as simple as you think.

When you step into the business path, it means you have to pay attention to a lot of problems from managing resources, supervising employees, handling arising problems, advertising, investment capital . And then you will gradually follow other concerns and do not have time to cultivate your passion.

If you define a business, this means that you will become the owner of that company, your job will not be to make cakes or bundle a bouquet of flowers yourself. Now you have to manage and run the company so that it can run smoothly, if you are interested in managing, running all of the organization's activities and having good skills in those congratulations, you are on the right track. If you just spend time with passion and neglect other jobs, passion will lead you astray.

2. Passion doesn't help you pay your bills

Picture 2 of Don't turn your passion into a business

Your passion cannot use them to pay for every daily bill in your life, which is the real thing you have to accept.

The pursuit of passion does not guarantee you will hire great employees, find more customers or create a streamlined operation process. Developing a business model based on passion is an advantage, but if pursuing a passion for warehouse does not have any weapons, it is a stupid decision.

3. Business business extinguish passion fire

Picture 3 of Don't turn your passion into a business

Living in this world, if we have passion, this life will be more fun and exciting, but it is also a bad way to make a living.

But you can also put down your passion if you turn it into a business. Why? When you get into the business, you care the most is the profit from this, when you don't get the profit you want, then you are born bored, tired and passionate. That goes away.

If you have a passion or hobby to pursue, don't turn it into a tool to feed yourself and your family. Instead, you should focus all your efforts on what can make money. Work hard to succeed there. As a result, you will be able to pursue all the preferences you want with that money.

If you can't make money with things you like, make money from other things. Then use the source of income to pursue your passion.

4. Successful businesses rely not only on passion

Picture 4 of Don't turn your passion into a business

Some people know how to make a profit from passion, and others don't. For example, I am passionate about real estate, I will create a great source of income. But I am also passionate about nature, travel, fishing and many other things that never give me any money.

If, instead of choosing real estate, I choose to pursue fishing as a career, I will never make a lot of money with a professional fisherman. It is not the most attractive occupation today.

Remember that business must always start with market demand. Following your personal interests is just a way to pamper yourself, not a market to be a root. And then the business model is easy to fail.

Update 24 May 2019


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