Do you feel electrocuted when you touch things and others don't, why?

Have you ever had a slight electric shock when touching an office door handle or touching a keyboard? Why are you the only one who has that feeling?

Have you ever had a slight electric shock when touching an office door handle or touching a keyboard? Why are you the only one who has that feeling?

That phenomenon is called " electrostatic reaction ". Experts warn, you should be careful when your body occurs this phenomenon, because it is a sign that your body is in a state of prolonged hypoxia due to excessive fatigue.

Picture 1 of Do you feel electrocuted when you touch things and others don't, why?

Why does hypoxia cause an electrostatic reaction?

According to experts, when the body is overloaded, the lack of oxygen takes place over a long period of time, causing a positive charge in the body to increase. When exposed to metal, a positive charge will be attracted and generate an electric current. This is the cause of electrostatic reactions.

In addition, studies have shown that electrostatic reactions also make dirt accumulate on teeth and gums more easily. Therefore, those with long-term hypoxia tend to develop tartar diseases. Therefore, if you do not solve the problem of lack of oxygen before, the disease of tartar is difficult to cure and relapse.

What is the lack of oxygen and electrostatic reactions?

When hypoxia has been going on for a long time and to a certain stage, the cells and the electric network of the internal glands are not fully loaded. Excessive positive charge also causes positively charged proteins to be fully charged, which begin to stick together and form adherent tissue cells.

When blood cells in the blood are absorbed together, observed under a microscope, it looks like a large intestine. At this time, red blood cells appear concave circular disk state, with such shape can increase the area exposed to oxygen.

But due to excessive positive charge, the nature of red blood cells of natural proteins sticks together, significantly reducing the ability to transport oxygen. This phenomenon is called " electrostatic side effects ."

If you extract a drop of blood from an acidic patient's finger and watch it under a microscope you will see red blood cells often stick together. That shows that acidic people often lack oxygen.

In an acidic environment there are many positive charges that accumulate, producing side effects that absorb static electricity.

Also in the blood, excess positive charge causes red blood cells to produce electrostatic absorption, leading to side effects. Therefore, we can easily see under the red blood cells gathered together.

What happens when an electrostatic reaction occurs?

When your body develops electrostatic reactions, you should first go out and touch the ground and then return to touch the same thing as before. Now you will no longer feel electrocuted, because the excess positive charge in your body has been pushed to the ground. If the body often has an electrostatic reaction, you should go to the hospital to check.

Update 24 May 2019


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