Close up of the star is said to be a giant structure of aliens

The Tabby star, also known as KIC 8462852, is located 1,400 light-years from Earth, unusually turned off and then bright, making scientists think of the possibility that it is a structure that aliens have built. to harness the star's energy.

The Tabby star, also known as KIC 8462852, is located 1,400 light-years from Earth, unusually turned off and then bright, making scientists think of the possibility that it is a structure that aliens have built. to harness the star's energy.

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Although later studies did not find aliens' sign there, they found this star's strange point. The star changes the brightness continuously and fades away with amazing speed. In terms of the nature and age of this star, it is too dim and sometimes turns off. All known cosmic phenomena so far cannot explain this mystery of KIC 8462852.

Picture 1 of Close up of the star is said to be a giant structure of aliens

Tabby stars fade with lightning speed.

Picture 2 of Close up of the star is said to be a giant structure of aliens

Scientists are studying to solve the mystery of this strange star.

Picture 3 of Close up of the star is said to be a giant structure of aliens

Scientists once thought that the Tabby star faded due to the loss of energy from alien devices.

Picture 4 of Close up of the star is said to be a giant structure of aliens

There is a hypothesis called the virtual sphere Dyson that, an extremely advanced civilization can create a sphere from photovoltaic panels to encircle an entire star and harness all the emitted energy. from this star.

Update 24 May 2019


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