14 interesting facts about the universe amaze you
The vast vast universe always contains the most unexpected things that people cannot imagine. From 14 billion years ago, it was filled with stellar explosions and immortal materials formed. Let's learn about the interesting things of the universe when compared to the correlation on Earth.
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1. If it extends the entire DNA in the human body, it will stretch 54.7 billion km, meaning it will extend 6 times the distance from the Earth to Pluto and then return.
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2. Most ordinary materials have internal gaps.If you take the spaces between atoms in 7 billion people, the population of the whole earth, it will fit into a sugar cube.
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3. Many atoms make up your body like calcium in your bones and blood iron, formed from some kind of stellar explosion in the universe billions of years ago.
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4. Did you know, in your body are containing the remnants of the Big Bang - the explosion that created the universe.Most of the hydrogen atoms around you are formed from the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago.
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5. When you switch channels on TV, a small percentage of static electricity you see is the aura of the Big Bang at the dawn of the universe.
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6. Although the speed of light is the fastest, approximately 300,000 km / s, but the distance from the stars to the earth is too far, so the light also takes a long time to reach your eyes.When we observe the sky, the image of the stars in the sky is their past.
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7. On July 21, 1969, people first set foot on the Moon.To date, footprints remain on the surface of the Moon and even remain so intact for millions of years because the moon has no atmosphere so there is no wind and water to erase the traces.
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8. The space is very quiet.Since the universe is a vacuum, sound cannot be transmitted in outer space.So, in the space, even if you shout loudly, you can't hear your sound.
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9. If you attach two pieces of metal of the same type to each other in space, they will attach to each other permanently.This cannot happen on Earth because the atmosphere has created an oxidized layer of metal that covers metal pieces.
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10. One year in Venus with 224 Earth days, but one day on this planet is 243 Earth days long.Therefore, one day on Venus is longer than its one year.In addition, Venus is the only planet in the solar system that rotates around the axis in the opposite direction.
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11. The Sun accounts for 99.86% of the solar system's total mass.It was so big that it could contain 1.3 million Earths inside.The mass of the Sun is 330,000 times the total mass on Earth.
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12. There are about 3 powers of 23 stars in the universe, ie 3 along with 23 "0" numbers behind.The number of stars in the universe is more than the number of grains of sand on Earth.But the naked eye can only observe about 5000 stars in the night sky (optimal observation conditions).
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13. When a giant star explodes, its core becomes a neutron star.Neutron stars are very dense matter, only a small spoonful of its material is heavier than Mount Everest.A neutron star normally has a mass of 1.35 to 2.1 solar masses.The explosion caused neutron stars to orbit the axis at speeds of up to 600 revolutions per second.
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14. Normal bodies can be observed as stars and planets that account for only 5% of the universe's mass.The remaining 95% constitutes dark energy (68%) and dark matter (27%).It means that up to 95% of the universe we don't know yet.
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