Close the door when turning on the air conditioner, everyone thinks it's right, turns out the mistake is not good for health

Closing the room door when turning on the air conditioner is a habit of many people because they think it helps save electricity. However, this is not good for everyone's health.

Air conditioners are familiar appliances in most families today, but many people are using the air conditioner in the wrong way without knowing it.

Closing the room door when turning on the air conditioner is a habit of many people because they think it helps save electricity. However, this is not good for everyone's health.

When the air conditioner is turned on, keeping the door closed will help keep cool air inside the room. When the temperature in the room has reached the level set on the remote control, the air conditioner will temporarily stop the cooling system. So keeping the door closed for too long will cause the room to lack air.

Picture 1 of Close the door when turning on the air conditioner, everyone thinks it's right, turns out the mistake is not good for health

The air in a closed air-conditioned room is usually 2-5 times more toxic than the outdoor air.

If you continuously use the air conditioner in a small room with the door closed, the room will become oppressive, the air suffocating, causing a lack of oxygen for breathing, which affects health, especially the elderly and young children. .

According to experts, every 15 - 30 minutes you should open the door of the room once for a few seconds. This will help the room "breathe", exchange air with the outside. In addition, when turning on the air conditioner, do not close the door, but leave small gaps in the room, or equip additional ventilation fans for free air circulation.


In addition, when it is hot during the day, you should not stay in an air-conditioned room continuously for 4 hours, but about every 2-3 hours, you should go out at normal temperature once to adapt to the environment, improve resistance.

Update 27 June 2023


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