Are metals in tampons dangerous?

Arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, lead and zinc… These are just some of the metals a recent study found in tampons. So is it safe to use tampons containing metals?

Arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, lead and zinc… These are just some of the metals that a recent study found in tampons. However, not all of these metals are harmless and some are quite toxic to human health. So is it safe to use tampons containing metals ?

Picture 1 of Are metals in tampons dangerous?

The average girl with regular periods uses more than 11,000 sanitary napkins in her lifetime. Estimates are closer to 15,000 for pads and tampons.

Sanitary napkins and tampons are used by women at least 7 days a month and tampons are inserted into a very sensitive area of ​​the body where foreign substances are easily absorbed, so it is natural to worry about exposure to toxic chemicals.

A recent study found traces of 16 heavy metals, including lead, arsenic, and cadmium, in 14 brands of tampons available across the United States and the United Kingdom. The findings have raised concerns about the safety of menstrual products—especially in the long term.


But how do these heavy metals get into tampons in the first place? Does regular exposure to such metals affect reproductive health over time? And are organic tampons any safer, at least in terms of chemical exposure?

While the new study found that tampons contain toxic metals, it did not address whether or not those metals are absorbed into the body through tampon use. So there's no need to panic just yet.

No amount of lead is considered safe, and lead is a known cause of neurological problems and cancer, and can also raise blood pressure. Long-term exposure to lower levels of arsenic can cause cancer, while long-term exposure to lower levels of cadmium can lead to kidney, bone, and lung disease.

Because of these risks, future research is needed to determine whether metals are absorbed and, if so, in what concentrations.

Use tampons safely

If you are concerned about exposure to toxic metals when using tampons, consider switching to traditional pads or avoiding products of unknown origin. Additionally, you should choose:

  1. Buy unscented tampons
  2. Choose tampons with fewer ingredients
  3. Skip tampons made of polyester, polypropylene, polyethylene or other plastic materials.
Update 09 December 2024


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