Apple will still close the entire Apple Store outside of China indefinitely

Initially, Apple intended to close Apple Store stores outside of China until March 27.

Apple has decided to continue closing its entire Apple Store outside of China indefinitely, as the Covid-19 epidemic is still unpredictable. Earlier, the iPhone maker set a goal to open Apple Stores in the US and many other countries on March 27.

In China, Apple reopened 42 Apple Store stores, thanks to efforts to prevent the Covid-19 epidemic there has made good progress. Meanwhile, the epidemic situation in Europe and the US is still tense.

Picture 1 of Apple will still close the entire Apple Store outside of China indefinitely

Apple did not formally give reasons for extending indefinitely. However, Apple's website has announced that Apple Store stores will be closed until the latest announcement. Not clear when.

For users, shutting down the Apple Store outside of China will make it more difficult to repair or service their devices. Apple has tried to fix this by extending the warranty and repair form by mail.

The closure of the entire Apple Store outside of China is also likely to seriously affect Apple's sales. When coming here, Apple may launch a very attractive new iPhone 9, with an affordable price.

Reference: theverge

Update 18 March 2020


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