Apple licensed the stylus

Apple's stylus has 2 types based on 2 different technologies, one using optical camera, one using tactile sensors.

Apple's stylus has 2 types based on 2 different technologies, one using optical camera, one using tactile sensors.

Picture 1 of Apple licensed the stylus

Describe Apple's stylus design. (Photo: Techradar).

According to information on Techradar, Apple has been granted 2 patents for designing stylus on iPhone and iPad.

As described on this license, one of the Apple stylus is an optical digital pen. The device consists of a camera on the tip of the pen, allowing monitoring and marking on the device screen for input.

Meanwhile, the second pen developed based on tactile sensor technology. The pen uses a tactile sensor and wireless receiver in close proximity and interacts with the iPhone / iPad through vibrations on the beveled sides of the device.

The move shows that Apple seems to have a stylus for iPhone 5 or iPad next generation. However, this is not the first time Apple has thought of developing a digital pen. In 2010, Apple registered a stylus design with pressure-sensitive technology for low-resolution touch screens. Earlier, since the 1990s, Apple's Newton MessagePad device was also equipped with a similar stylus to support data entry.

One of the iPad rivals of Samsung's Galaxy Note tablet model is currently equipped with the S Pen as a powerful assistant for users. The company has also confirmed it will continue to use the S Pen for the Galaxy Note 10.1 version expected to be released in June.

Update 25 May 2019


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