AlphaGo - The AI ​​that once defeated the world No. 1 go player had to taste the loser

AlphaGo, who defeated the 1st go player Sedan Lee Sedol in 2016, has recently defeated the AlphaGo Zero, a new AI created by his father Julian Schrittwieser.

AlphaGo, who defeated the go-lucky player No. 1 Lee Sedol in 2016 but recently this artificial intelligence (AI) was defeated by AlphaGo Zero, a new AI created by his father Julian Schrittwieser.

When Julian Schrittwieser joined DeepMind, a Google-owned artificial intelligence company several years ago, the Go game was often called the "Holy Grail" of machine learning. This is a game that originated in ancient China, the rivalry between two players is hardly limited by any rules. At that time, it was predicted that it would take a very long time, even a decade, for AI to learn and beat the world's top go players.

Picture 1 of AlphaGo - The AI ​​that once defeated the world No. 1 go player had to taste the loser

"Match of the Century" between AlphaGo and Lee Sedol.

But in March 2016, Schrittwieser and his colleagues at DeepMind developed a program called AlphaGo. After going through a 5-game match with Lee Sedol - a Korean go player, the reigning world champion at that time, AlphaGo won 4-1. There are more than 100 million followers of this match and it is called "the game of the century" by fans.

Picture 2 of AlphaGo - The AI ​​that once defeated the world No. 1 go player had to taste the loser

Schrittwieser and colleagues continue to create a new program called AlphaGo Zero, much more impressive. And in October 2017, AlphaGo Zero defeated the seniors program AlphaGo in a go game with a shocking ratio of 100 - 0.

AlphaGo, learn to play Go by studying human matches, while AlphaGo Zero learns by a completely different method, playing with itself - a special ability imprinted with AI.

See more:

  1. Google AI can create 3D images from 'flat' 2D images.
  2. Watching pictures painted by artificial intelligence, everyone thinks that is the work of a true artist
  3. 6 steps to start learning artificial intelligence programming (AI)
  4. Review important milestones in the history of more than 60 years of artificial intelligence development
Update 23 May 2019


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