Address buy nice, cheap helmets in Hanoi

Where to buy beautiful helmets, cheap price and quality? Here are some standard sales addresses you can refer to.

On the market today there are a lot of helmet display facilities such as 3/4 helmets, half-head helmets, Fullface hats with different models, different prices. However, you should not crave a cheap helmet because it will not guarantee quality. To choose to buy a helmet that is both beautiful and high quality and has a good price, you can refer to the article below.

Picture 1 of Address buy nice, cheap helmets in Hanoi

Buy a nice, cheap helmet?

Helmets now have many types in the market with different prices and models. However, if you cannot find a reputable purchase address, users are easily "tricked" to buy products that are both expensive and poor quality. If you are in Hanoi, you can refer to a reputable helmet sales address at: No. 56, Pho Duy Tan, Dich Vong Hau, Cau Giay. You can visit the above address to see the goods and get advice directly.

Or if there is no time to choose to buy, you can refer to an insurance sample number on the website: This is a reputable website, providing quality helmet products at affordable prices. Website has many designs for you to choose from, both for children and adults. To order, contact Hotline:

Picture 2 of Address buy nice, cheap helmets in Hanoi

Criteria for evaluating safety helmets

Helmets must have stamps

All helmets on the market both domestic and imported must have CR stamps and 'checked' stamps for imported goods.

Clear product information

Meet requirements such as the name of the product as a helmet for motorcyclists, motorbikes, names and addresses of organizations, individuals importing, distributing, origin of goods, date of manufacture .

Light and does not cause neck strain

Picture 3 of Address buy nice, cheap helmets in Hanoi

The recommended hat size is 520 mg, 540 mg, 560 mg, 580 mg and 600 mg (6 ounces). The weight of the hat is as light as possible, especially for users who are sisters. Should not choose the type of hat weighing more than 1 kg will cause neck fatigue, discomfort when driving motorcycles, affecting safety when participating in traffic.

Note to choose the protective foam layer

The commonly used protective cushion is foam. The softer the foam foam is more resistant to high impact. When watching the hat, you can check it by putting the hat upside down and using your finger to gently push the sponge inside, the soft foam tip will collapse.

Picture 4 of Address buy nice, cheap helmets in Hanoi

Shell, strap and buckle

The shell should have smooth surface, no cracks or sharp edges and must be hard, resistant to impact and penetrating while ensuring aesthetics. A good strap is a strap that doesn't stretch too much, you can try it using your hands.
When testing the strap, try to always lock the helmet to select the one that has the sensitive lock when opening, closing, and keeping it firmly closed.

Top 3 cheap helmets under VND 200,000 are the most popular

1. Half helmet Asia MT-105K

Picture 5 of Address buy nice, cheap helmets in Hanoi

  1. The casing is made of high-grade ABS plastic material, which can withstand impact, bringing safety to users. This ABS material is also popularly applied, it is also used to manufacture aircraft shells, medical equipment .
  2. The gut is made of EPS foam particles. This is the most important component of the helmet, making it capable of withstanding impact when an accident occurs.
  3. Part straps, lock, panel, tongue are also noted and made of high-quality materials to ensure durability for products and safety for the team.

Reference price: 189,000 VND

2. Helmet Chita CT16L has glasses

Picture 6 of Address buy nice, cheap helmets in Hanoi

  1. Modern and youthful design.
  2. Suitable for both men and women.
  3. Made from high quality plastic material, capable of withstanding good impact.
  4. Shiny, non-colored paint for new products is always new.
  5. Conical shell is made of 100% genuine ABS plastic, good impact resistance, good penetration.
  6. The conical sponge is made of 100% genuine EPS, absorbing the impulse when impacted.
  7. Thick lining, smooth, airy, ensuring safety when circulating.
  8. The glass layer helps minimize dust, sunlight . affecting the team. In addition, it helps you to easily observe, not be shadow, flare when moving in the evening.
  9. Products meet Vietnamese standards QCVN 2: 2008 / BKHCN.

Reference price: VND 165,000

3. First half helmet MT-117 Asia

Picture 7 of Address buy nice, cheap helmets in Hanoi

Structure of Asia helmets consists of 3 parts:

  1. Helmet cover
  2. Bowel
  3. Hats and accessories (conical hats, conical hats, helmet glasses .)

MT-117 half-Asia helmets ensure standard standards.

Reference price: VND 160,000

Thank you for your interest and follow up!

Update 24 May 2019


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