A 125 million year old herbivorous dinosaur has been discovered

Many bones suspected of being a dinosaur called the Moabosaurus Utahensis have been found to receive the interest of international archaeologists.

Many bones suspected of being a dinosaur called the Moabosaurus Utahensis have been found to receive the interest of international archaeologists.

The issue of era as well as ancient dinosaur fossils has always been the subject of interest and discovery by archaeologists, researchers . and this is no longer a strange issue anymore.

Previously, archaeologists have found a series of archaeological evidence of dinosaurs, Juras ancient antiquities and a lot of excitement. In particular, especially dinosaurs with pure meat diet. And recently, many bones of a new herbivore about 125 million years old have just been discovered.

Picture 1 of A 125 million year old herbivorous dinosaur has been discovered

Specifically, scientists at Brigham Young University (BYU) in the US said the new dinosaur belongs to a group of known herbivores of the Sauropod family, including giant species like Brontosaurus and Brachiosaurus. They have long pillars and long necks and are officially named Moabosaurus Utahensis.

Moabosaurus Utahensis was excavated and assembled, completely assembled. In it, Moabosaurus Utahensis is probably closely related to the dinosaurs found in Spain and Tanzania. This shows that there is a geographic subspecies relationship between European, African and North American dinosaurs.

Moabosaurus was discovered in Utah, and at a time hundreds of millions of years ago, the area was flooded with large trees, abundant streams, lakes and many dinosaurs. A previous study showed that Moabosaurus as well as other dinosaurs died in a long, devastating drought. The surviving dinosaurs had torn the bodies of collapsed Moabosaurus dinosaurs, leaving their bare bones.

After the drought ended, the streams overflowed to the ground, washed away the bones of the dinosaurs and they were buried until now. The researchers said. Meanwhile, ancient insects in the soil clung to the bones, leaving inside the bones the peculiar cavity holes.

Brooks Britt from BYU said: " We are very lucky to find this new discovery. Most of the bones we find are debris, so only a fraction of them are used for research. And that is why it took so long for us to put together a family of dinosaur family diagrams: we have to collect a huge amount of bone to have enough bases to do it. get that ' .

Update 24 May 2019


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