9 easy SEO link building strategies

Link building is not easy. That's why most people have difficulty building quick links to their website, regardless of the tactics used.

Link building is not easy. That's why most people have difficulty building quick links to their website, regardless of the tactics used.

Today's article will show you some effective tactics that are easy to apply to your website. These tactics will help drive traffic and increase revenue for your business.

1. Access

Almost every good link building tactic revolves around outreach. It's where you reach out to people in your field and introduce them to your content.

But the important thing is that you just have to have something worth linking to - it could be your product, service, business, brand, etc. That means reaching out and telling everyone people in your field about content that might be useful to them - great blog posts, tools, infographics, etc.

You should contact:

  1. People who have mentioned your target keywords in their posts;
  2. People have linked to similar articles on the topic.

2. Guest blogging

Guest blogging is one of the oldest link building tactics. You write articles for another website in your field. They publish it and you link to yourself from that article. Simple as that.

How do you find potential customers? You can use the same method that everyone else uses, which is to find websites that are attractive to bloggers using Google search operators.

Don't look to advertising websites. Just search for relevant websites and then showcase your content. Most websites are open to guest posts even if they don't state it. Why would a website turn down free, well-written content that has the potential to attract visitors to their site? They won't!

3. Broken link building - Broken link building

Broken link building involves 3 simple steps:

  1. Find a relevant broken link on a website;
  2. Create something similar to a corrupted resource;
  3. Ask anyone who links to a broken resource to link to your working resource.

Use the Wayback Machine to see what websites looked like before. If you happen to have a website in the SEO space, you can take advantage of this.

The question is how do you find relevant broken link building opportunities in the first place? There are several ways to do this, but by far the easiest is to search for broken pages on your competitors' websites.

4. Convert mentions to links

Sometimes people will mention you or your business without linking to you. You know that the author is familiar with your business because they mentioned you. So you have the perfect reason to reach out and hopefully convince them to turn that mention into a link.

5. Link reclamation

Links are difficult to build. But did you know that you can constantly lose backlinks? Of course, you can counteract this natural process by building a consistent stream of new links. However, regaining lost links is often much easier than building new links from scratch.

But why are links lost? Here are two common reasons:

  1. The link has been removed from the links page;
  2. The linked page no longer exists.

NOTE . These are not the only two reasons why links may be lost.

If the link is removed from the linking page, there may be a reason. Perhaps the author updated or revised the content and your link was removed as a byproduct of that process?

If you find this is the reason for lost links, see if there's a suitable place for your link in the new content. If so, reach out and ask them to re-add the link.

Links may be removed for other reasons. It's important that you understand those reasons and handle things accordingly. But what about links that are lost because the linking site no longer exists? Usually, this happens because the author has chosen to remove the page (and your link along with it). Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do in this case.

However, sometimes pages are deleted by mistake. If you suspect this is the case, contact the site owner and let them know. They will usually restore the page (and your link) when they learn of such an issue. Furthermore, this is a helpful thing to do and can be a catalyst for a great relationship - one that can lead to even more connections down the line.

6. Paid advertising for 'linkable content'

Linkable content is link-worthy content: Tools, calculators, in-depth and informative blog posts, guides, infographics, etc.

If you recall what was mentioned in the outreach section, getting links to this type of content is about letting the right people know that it exists. However, you must choose your goals correctly.

But there's another way to get your content in front of your target audience: Pay to promote it with Facebook ads or similar PPC ad networks (e.g. Google AdWords, Pinterest ads, etc. .).

You don't need to spend a lot of money ($50 - $100 is usually enough). If your content resonates with your chosen audience, a small percentage of them will definitely link to it. This could be from their website, a niche forum, a comment on another blog, a discussion board or elsewhere.

7. "Steal" links from low quality websites

Have you ever come across a piece of mediocre content and been overwhelmed by the number of links it has? For example, take a look at this rather meaningless 200-word guide to the paleo diet:

Picture 1 of 9 easy SEO link building strategies

It has up to 309 backlinks from 63 referring domains. Now, imagine for a moment that you have a fun 5,000-word guide to the paleo diet on your website. Ask yourself: Why would someone link to that 200-word guide instead of yours?

The answer is because they may not know that better content exists. So the solution is to show them your content and ask them to link to you.

It's worth mentioning that you're not limited to content or so-called 'linkable assets' when doing this. You also don't always have to 'steal' links but can copy them.

For example, if you have an e-commerce store that sells a specific item, the goal is to stand out in relevant locations, including locations with similar e-commerce stores. on one's own. So why not look at the backlinks to other similar e-commerce stores and find links that can be replicated?

8. Reuse and syndicate content

Not all link building tactics are based on outreach. It is possible to build some links just by submitting content to appropriate places like infographic directories, video sharing sites, etc. But your content needs to be in the right format to be able to do this. there.

This is where content reuse comes in. Let's say you have a great interactive infographic. You put all your heart and soul into creating it and wish more audiences knew about it. Well, why not repurpose that content in another format, such as video? You can then submit that content to video sharing sites.

Reusing content like this is usually quite easy to do. Furthermore, doing so will help your content become visible to a wider audience.

But repurposing content isn't the only way to get some links quickly and easily. You may also syndicate your content to other third party websites. Meaning when you publish a blog post for example, other relevant websites will pick it up and post it with a link back to the source. Some sites republish the entire content, while others publish an excerpt and link to the full post on your site.

9. Build community site links

Most people only focus on building the highest quality links. This is a good thing, overall. But did you think that a truly natural backlink profile only includes tracked editorial links from websites with high DR?

Of course not. That's why link building from other sources is also important. Forums, message boards, Reddit, Quora, etc - these are all good places to market your website and in the process, build some relevant links to diversify your backlink profile.

Blog comments are almost always 'nofollow' links. However, leaving comments on popular and relevant blog posts will help your content reach more people. This process can lead to more links because a percentage of the people who view your content will definitely link to it.

Leaving comments on a blog will definitely attract the attention of the blog owner and enhance your relationship with them. This increases the chances of them mentioning and linking to you in their future blog posts.

Update 17 April 2024


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