7 trends SEO will dominate the world from 2017

One of the deciding factors to win and lose is to accurately predict how the Search Engine will change, make the right strategy, adjust the content before the opponent. It sounds simple but the reality is completely different ..

SEO - Search Engine Optimization is a fierce game. Why? Since you must always try to stay on the opponent, you must keep the top 1 page of Search Engine when users search for information. And must always be one step ahead of the opponent.

One of the deciding factors to win and lose is to accurately predict how the Search Engine will change, make the right strategy, adjust the content before the opponent. It sounds simple but the reality is completely different. Because when you change, the opponent will definitely change as well, and we almost can't tell what they will do. And in the beginning of this year 2017, TipsMake.com will give a number of comments and comments about SEO as listed below.

1. AMPs - Accelerated Mobile Pages to the throne:

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) is an open-source protocol, allowing webmasters to create pages dedicated to mobile versions, at a much faster rate. Theoretically, these AMPs will have a load speed 4 times faster than normal, use 8 times less data than normal, and therefore be preferred by Google. Of course, Google "supports" websites with more AMPs,

Picture 1 of 7 trends SEO will dominate the world from 2017

If your website doesn't have AMPs yet, quickly add this feature.

2. Content - will dense content rise once again?

In fact, users are too fed up with the current type of copy paste content of websites. You can easily see a piece of content a or article that is copied intact from one page to another, or changed, to reverse the sentence from a little to make a difference to deceive the Search Engine. Again, the copy paste will only cause your website to drop rankings sooner or later. And in the near future, Google will no longer respect the long or short articles, but instead is content, content quality, uniformity - unique that you create. It is best to write everything yourself as much as possible, 400 words or 4,000 words are not very important, as long as the full content is delivered to the reader.

3. Artificial intelligence will change the algorithm:

Google RankBrain was officially released in late 2015, which opened the door of the era of artificial intelligence, Machine Learning - a method of data analysis that will automate the construction of analytical models. Extensive, inherited features of Google HummingBird will automatically "learn" more and expand how users arrange and place keywords. And certainly in the following years, Google will continuously release updates of Machine Learning in many respective fields, such as Data Interpretation or Marketing Automation.

4. Personal brand will gradually become a secret weapon:

Are you interested in this issue? It is turning personal brand into the main campaign of SEO. For individuals, you will easily control more articles, be more accessible to customers, and easily navigate more traffic to the website. And with a typical social platform like Facebook, the trend of turning personal accounts into weapons for big brands will certainly explode in the future. And so, you will also have more competitors in this area.

5. User Experience Optimization (UEO) will remove the boundaries of SEO:

User Experience Optimization (UEO) has always prevailed in SEO, at least in one respect for Google, especially in mobile-friendly devices, optimizing interaction between users and device. Obviously when your website has a faster download speed, readers also feel more interesting and excited. With the release of AMPs, Google will definitely promote UEO-optimized websites.

6. SEO by application?

In the past 3 years, we have seen a lot of SEO options for Mobile applications. From basic things like indexing to programs, embedding links from content into deep into programs, streaming is storming social . will help content creators quickly approach readers through many forms. It is too early to say that these applications will replace traditional websites, but it is possible in the future.

7. Personal Digital Assistants - virtual assistants will become more sophisticated, and change the way we ask questions:

Yes, the emergence of virtual assistants has become more and more familiar, especially when technology giants have begun to pay attention to this potential area. Typically, Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft . in some ways, these virtual assistants have helped our technology life become simpler, but gradually people will become too dependent on them. Hopefully, in 2017, we will see more diversification and refinement of these virtual assistants.Good luck!

Update 25 May 2019


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