6 best Minecraft shaders of 2021

Shaders can give Minecraft a fresh look, bring the Minecraft experience to life and improve the game's aesthetic. But which shaders make for the best Minecraft experience?

Read the following article of TipsMake to find the shader that is best for you


Picture 1 of 6 best Minecraft shaders of 2021

The effects of moving trees, clear water reflections, and real-time shadows combine to give Minecraft a fresh, bright look when you run it on a BSL shader. With the lighting reworked and new effects added, you can feel each biome more vividly than ever before.

Another advantage of BSL is customization. Nearly every picture setting is customizable in BSL, and BSL also includes an arsenal of customizable effects like motion blur, depth of field, and bloom. The good news is that all of this doesn't have much of an impact on FPS performance. BSL promises to handle things gently.

In a nutshell, BSL gives you two benefits: Powerful visual enhancements and customizability, all without affecting the device.

  1. Highly customizable
  2. Supports motion blur, depth of field and other effects
  3. Doesn't affect FPS much


Picture 2 of 6 best Minecraft shaders of 2021

Kappa uses equations to simulate light, shadow and other physical values, however, Kappa separates from this mathematical reality to breathe life into Minecraft. This combination creates a fantastically realistic look for Kappa.

Naturally, all the visual effects you'd expect are available in Kappa, and they're also customizable. However, these impressive looks require more resources than vanilla Minecraft. The developers for Kappa have stated that a GPU similar or better than the GTX1050 is required for a smooth experience.

  1. Fresh and bright look
  2. Supports texture packs
  3. Much influence on FPS


Picture 3 of 6 best Minecraft shaders of 2021

KUDA is a shader pack that tries to find a balance between performance and aesthetics, and has come close to striking that balance. KUDA has most of the visual technology you'd expect from a popular shader pack, but also sets an example of how the smallest changes can subtly improve your Minecraft experience. These small changes are some simple things like camera shake, hand shake and other effects that you can activate to make Minecraft more realistic.

KUDA also lets you play around with post-processing effects like vignetting, sepia filters, and cinematic modes, if you're looking for a varied experience.

  1. Effect of rain and snow drops on the screen
  2. Cinema mode and effects
  3. Effect on average FPS


Picture 4 of 6 best Minecraft shaders of 2021

Mathematically, Chronos has the most accurate Ray Tracing ability out of all the Minecraft shaders out there. Logically, though, Chronos is probably unusable unless you have a supercomputer. Chronos is designed using advanced technology and is only used for taking screenshots. This is because if you move the camera, even at the slightest angle, the entire scene will be re-rendered. Depending on your computer, this rendering may take a while.

All in all, Chronos feels great, although it can take a toll on the GPU.

  1. Accurate Ray Tracing
  2. Modern rendering technology
  3. The effect on FPS is huge


Picture 5 of 6 best Minecraft shaders of 2021

Designed by WoMspace, Epoch stands out from the crowd of Minecraft shaders, not by trying to get the most accurate formulas in terms of lighting, but by removing the notion that shaders will carry give Minecraft a super realistic look.

When you step into your Minecraft world with Epoch for the first time, you'll notice a rather classic look. The next thing that you will notice is probably that the frame rate is no different than when running Minecraft without shaders.

Epoch has done a great job at improving the look and feel of Minecraft without adding tons of effects.

  1. Sweep lines give a unique vintage look
  2. Color film mode effects and B&W
  3. Doesn't affect FPS much


Picture 6 of 6 best Minecraft shaders of 2021

Oceano is one of those shader packs that doesn't try to add all possible effects and uses the latest technologies to simulate the most realistic rays of light. Instead, it uses minimal modifications to give Minecraft a fresh look.

Of course, Oceano still gives you the effect of moving trees and reflections on the water. You even have motion blur enabled by default, but without too many rays and shadows like other GPU-intensive shader packs.

All of this makes Oceano a very refined shader pack, giving Minecraft a gentle yet appreciated visual enhancement without sacrificing its performance.

  1. No Ray Tracing feature
  2. Modest but subtle improvement
  3. Doesn't affect FPS much

Above are the 6 best Minecraft shaders that TipsMake would recommend to readers. Hope you find the right one for you!

Update 12 October 2021


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