How to play Seahorse Chess well

The game Seahorse Chess is loved by everyone, from children to adults, but not everyone knows how to play Seahorse Chess. You can refer to how to play this unique entertainment game in the article below.

With the game Seahorse Chess, you only need to read once how to play Seahorse Chess and you can play easily, sometimes returning the horse to the stable faster than the other 3 players. To help you understand the rules of the game and how to play, please refer to the following article.

How to play seahorse chess for beginners

1. Rules of Seahorse Chess

- Standard of the Seahorse Chess set: Divided into 4 parts with 4 different colors including green, blue, red and yellow, four dice and 16 Seahorse chess pieces divided into 4 groups with 4 other colors (similar to the colors on the seahorse chess board)

- Number of players: Minimum 2 and maximum 4

- You can draw lots, rock, paper, scissors. to choose the first player. And turn in counter-clockwise order. The first player will roll the dice. If the dice show up from 1 to 5, that player cannot release the horse. If the dice shows 6, the horse will be released. And when the dice is 6, that player has the right to roll the dice again to move. When moving, you will encounter the following problems:

+ Blocked : On your path, there is an opponent's piece blocking you. To overcome the opponent, the dice surface must be larger than the step between the two pieces.
+ Kick: There is an opponent's piece on your path. If you roll the dice showing the distance between your horse and your opponent's horse, you will kick your opponent's horse. If you don't want to play, then you play another piece.
+ Winning condition : Whoever puts 4 horses in the stable in the 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd positions first will win. And in turn, they will be ranked second, third and last.

2. Learn the Seahorse card game

How to play Seahorse Chess well Picture 1How to play Seahorse Chess well Picture 1

Seahorse chess board

The seahorse chess board is square, with 4 colors corresponding to 4 players. Each player will have their own areas such as:

- Steppe area: Where horses freely play, place the horse when not participating in the game
- Starting position: Is where the horse takes its first step when it comes out of the Steppe area.
- Barn: Rectangular, including boxes numbered from 1 to 6.

3. How to play Seahorse Chess

* Initial setup

- Before starting to play, each person chooses 4 seahorses of the same color and places them in the steppe of the appropriate color.
- Choose the first player and play in turn.

* How to play

The first player will roll the dice. When it's your turn, you roll the dice. When the dice falls, the dot appears face up. This dot will determine the move of your seahorse.

- Export 1 piece: When the player rolls the dice and turns up 6 points, the new player can release the piece. At that time, place a seahorse in the Start position. At this time, that player continues to roll the dice to move. If you get a 6 dot, you continue to roll and move on or choose to move out. If the dice surface is not 6 dots, then ride the horse according to the correct number of dots. If the dice surface is 4, ride the horse 4 spaces, then pass the turn to the next person.

- Moving pieces: The number of dots on the dice is the number of squares that the piece moves. For example, if the dice appears as 5, that seahorse piece will move 5 steps (5 cells). The direction of the seahorse chess piece is also counterclockwise. In particular, if you roll the dice and turn over a dot and your chess piece is in the position of the next barn door on the way without any chess pieces blocking it, you can let the horse fly straight to the foot of the barn. . If your dice are more than 1, you will quickly send all the seahorses away.

Note: When you roll 6, you can choose to send a piece or move forward on the board and get to roll the dice again. 

* Return/enter the barn

When your piece has gone all the way around the chessboard and reached the Barn Door. Here, the opponent's piece can still kick your piece. Therefore, you need to consider carefully so that your troops do not get kicked.

When your piece reaches the barn door, you roll the dice, whichever side appears, you put your piece in that numbered box. For example, if the dice turns up on 4, you put the piece in box 4. If you are in box 4, you will have to gradually climb, not jump. Like the pieces in box 3, you need to dice in boxes 4, 5 and 6 to gradually climb.

Instructions for playing seahorse chess

The Seahorse Chess game is not entirely a game of chance as you think, but this game also requires calculation from the player. When you understand how to play Seahorse Chess and get used to it, you can easily become a master of Seahorse Chess, with many secrets to winning.

Currently, up and Shogi chess are also loved by Vietnamese people and played in their free time. The way to play up chess is similar to the way to play Chinese chess, but at first the only champion is the horse, the rest of the pieces are up. The way to play Shogi is similar to chess, but when playing Shogi you can drop pieces.

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