5 ways to motivate employees and themselves

The following measures have been researched and proven to help motivate work for colleagues at work.

When talking to my manager, one of the common problems we encountered was difficulty in motivating employees. Below are the researched methods that can help motivate and motivate employees and yourself.

Positive effects are easy to spread

Being positive is a very good foundation to motivate people around you. There is strong evidence that emotions - either negative or positive - can "infect" people around you through a process called "emotional infection". So don't let your colleague or team members see anything other than the positive and spiritual energy "I can do." Remember that "positive reinforcement" (encouraging positive behaviors) is always better than focusing on negative behaviors and penalties.

Picture 1 of 5 ways to motivate employees and themselves

Always let colleagues see their positive energy

Become a persuasive mirror

A perfect leader never requires members to do more than they are willing to do. Become an example by working hard, always being the first to try to solve problems or accept tasks and others will follow you.

Picture 2 of 5 ways to motivate employees and themselves

Willing to be the first to cope with all difficulties

Focus on common tasks

Many people lose motivation because they forget the goal. An excellent leader will focus on the mission of the whole team or the organization and make every member committed to that mission. When the motivation decreases, the leader can remind the members about the common goal and the importance of the work they are doing.

Set challenging goals

Setting goals is one of the best ways to keep other members engaged and motivated to work. This is also a science subject and should pay attention to the process to be successful. There is an acronym * for the target set that is SMART: Specific (specific), Measurable (measurable), Attainable (capable of achieving), Relevant (relevant) and Time-bound (sometime Term defined). This means that the set objectives should be specific to measurable results. They also need to be realistic, not too far away (to be achieved) but not too low (not challenging enough), meaningful to each member and should have a specific completion time.

Congratulations on the small victories

Research shows that the best way to motivate on a regular basis is to experience "small victories" by dividing the big work into small tasks, measurable steps and celebrating every time you achieve. be step by step. This is a strategy that makes the game more attractive - like when you pass each level in Angry Birds or Candy Crush or get a small victory in a big battle . It will all make you motivated gain more.

Picture 3 of 5 ways to motivate employees and themselves

Gradually complete and celebrate small victories

You can use these techniques not only to motivate your team but also as a basis to encourage your children, students or yourself.

* Acronym is a word made up of the first letters of other words that itself can be pronounced as a word.

Author: Ronald E. Riggio

Update 24 May 2019


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