Ant, Lion and the story of management
In order to help employees develop their own capabilities, creative freedom at work, the manager plays a huge role. When there is a comfortable working environment, receiving positive encouragement from managers, employees will become more effortless at work. But is that all? The story between Ants and Lions that we introduce below will give you more management experience.
Management story of Lions and Ants:
Everyday, Kien went to work very early and started working immediately. Ants work very well and are always happy. Your boss, who is a lion, is surprised to see that Kien works without supervision. The lion suddenly thought that if he was supervised, Kien would definitely work more effectively.
So the Lion hired Gian to be a supervisor. After being hired, the Cockroach's first decision was to attach a wall clock to monitor on-time work. Cockroaches also need a secretary to change it to write notes or make reports, and so he hired a Spider - to manage reports and receive calls.
Lion is very pleased with the reports of Cockroaches and asks the Cockroach to make more production monitoring charts and analyze market trends, so that it can be presented at the Board meeting. So Gian bought a new laptop with a laser printer, then hired a Fly to manage the IT department. Referring to Kien, who worked very hard and relaxed before, now Kien is very upset because of the paperwork and useless meetings that take all of his time!
Meanwhile, the Lion master came to the conclusion that it was necessary to send a person to manage the whole department that Kien was working on . The position of this small boss is assigned to a Cicada. The first decision of the Cicada is to buy a beautiful carpet and a very comfortable chair for its office.
Ant, Lion and the story of management Picture 1
The "boss" of this Cicada also needs an additional computer and a private secretary, which is its former secretary, who helped him prepare the Strategies to Manage Work Control & Budget Strategy. The office where Kien worked became a sad place, no one was laughing and everyone became uneasy.
The Cicada convinces the big boss, the Lion, about the need to do a thorough research on the working environment here. After reviewing the financial statements in the office where Kien did, Lion found that productivity was much less than before.
So the Lion hired a Owl, which was a well-known and reputable advisor, to conduct an investigation and to provide necessary solutions. It took 3 months to study the office and write a huge report up to several books and came to the conclusion: " This office has too many employees ".
Guess who the Lion master fired first? And if you are the Master, what is your choice?
The ant is fired because it "lacks motivation to work and has a pessimistic attitude at work". The results were unexpected right!
Ant, Lion and the story of management Picture 2
So what is the lesson from the above story?
The mistake probably comes from the moment Lion decides to hire more supervisors in the hope that Kien will work more. Unfortunately, the Lion was wrong.
Standing in the position of an employee, anyone wants to have a comfortable, free and self-control working environment as much as possible. No one wants me to be constantly supervised and over-pressed. The evidence is that after the "superior" including Cockroach, Spider and Cicada . are appointed in turn, the fun and comfort in the work of the previous Kien has disappeared. Instead it is a feeling of anxiety and discomfort. This of course causes a direct consequence that makes Kien's labor productivity decline.
Not to mention, the management system becomes increasingly cumbersome and complicated when there are 8 managers that only I directly produce. All stages are slow and indirectly affect labor productivity.
Ant, Lion and the story of management Picture 3
As a manager, you always need to be concerned about being simple to the minimum of the management apparatus. The problem sets out a simple management apparatus, but the results must be at the highest level. After all, the ultimate goal for any company is still revenue and profit and no one else, the Ants themselves are the key factor of the problem.
Therefore, experience is needed to create the best environment for ants, to help them feel comfortable and happy, thereby creating the most productive productivity.
So if you've missed the aforementioned Lion-like leader, in this case, would you dismiss Kien and the solution to save the company from this situation?
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