12 types of ornamental plants clean the indoor air

Some ornamental plants not only help decorate your house but also absorb chemicals that pollute the air to bring a healthy living space to your family.

Some ornamental plants not only help decorate your house but also absorb chemicals that pollute the air to bring a healthy living space to your family.

According to experts, you should plant many trees in the house. At least 2 plant pots (about 25-30 cm circumference) in an area of ​​about 30 m2. When taking care of plants, don't get too much water because the moisture in the soil can cause mold to grow.

1. Ivy (Ivy, Hedera Helix)

Picture 1 of 12 types of ornamental plants clean the indoor air

The ivy leaf absorbs formaldehyde very well, also known as hormone, one of the most common indoor air pollutants. Popular household items such as carpet, insulating foam, plastic, plywood . will release formaldehyde over time.

Breathing in formaldehyde in high concentrations can cause eye irritation, lacrimation and headache, hot in the throat, difficulty breathing and cancer.

2. Lan Lan, also known as peaceful Hue (Peace Lily, Spathiphyllum)

Picture 2 of 12 types of ornamental plants clean the indoor air

Italian orchid absorbs well benzene VOC , a carcinogen. This substance is abundant in paints, polishes, furniture polishes. In addition, it also helps to neutralize harmful emissions emitted from electronic devices, adhesives and cleaners.

Italian orchid is a moist plant, adapted to the environment with little light, so it is suitable for planting in small pots in the home, office, balcony.

3. Cloudy bamboo, also known as fern or fanless (Lady Palm, Rhapis Excelsa)

Picture 3 of 12 types of ornamental plants clean the indoor air

Cloudy bamboo plants filter well for ammonia , a substance very toxic to human respiratory system. This substance is the main ingredient in detergents, textiles, and dyes.

This is a light-loving tree or semi-shade, medium water demand, easy to grow, not much care.

4. American Fern (Boston Fern, Nephrolepis Exaltata)

Picture 4 of 12 types of ornamental plants clean the indoor air

Fine ferns eliminate formaldehyde toxic substances well. In addition, scientists have found that it can remove toxic metals such as arsenic and mercury . This is considered one of the most effective air purifiers.

American ferns are moist-loving plants so you need to water them regularly to make them grow well.

5. Tiger blade (Snake Plant, Sansevieria Trifasciata)

Picture 5 of 12 types of ornamental plants clean the indoor air

Tiger plants help reduce carbon dioxide, ormaldehyde, benzene in the air. In addition, the tiger blade has a process of synthesizing oxygen against most plants. At night, it absorbs carbon dioxide (CO2) and releases oxygen. Therefore, this tree is very suitable for placing in bedrooms, rooms with many computers and printers.

6. The betel nut tree, also called the royal heart, set the magnolia, (Golden Pothos, Epipremnum aureum)

Picture 6 of 12 types of ornamental plants clean the indoor air

The betel nut trees overcome the problem of indoor formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and benzene. Rice is a shade-loving plant suitable for medium light intensity. It is possible to plant hydroponics or plant in soil.

7. Begonia Begonia (Wax Begonia, Begonia Semperflorens)

Picture 7 of 12 types of ornamental plants clean the indoor air

Begonia can filter well benzene and chemicals produced by toluene. Toluene is used as solvent solvent to dissolve many materials such as ink, rubber, paint, adhesives . If prolonged contact with toluene, it can cause cancer .

This is a kind of shade-loving plant, suitable for growing in cool air.

8. Fragile examples, also known as the floating, red-blooded, and sagacious (Red-Edged Dracaena, Dracaena marginata)

Picture 8 of 12 types of ornamental plants clean the indoor air

This plant can filter many types of xylene, trichlorethylene, formaldehyde gases found in lacquer, oil painting, and waterproofing products.

This is a light-demanding tree or semi-shade suitable for interior plants, average water demand. Suitable for rooms with high ceilings and moderate sunlight.

9. Spider plant, Chlorophytum comosum

Picture 9 of 12 types of ornamental plants clean the indoor air

Spider wire plants will help you filter formaldehyde, benzene molecules in the air.

This is a very easy plant to care for, just water it when it is nearly dry. You can place a potted plant on the pedestal or hang a basket outside the sunny window.

10. Aloe vera, also called aloe vera (Aloe Vera)

Picture 10 of 12 types of ornamental plants clean the indoor air

Aloe vera absorbs well carbon dioxide and releases oxygen at night so it is very suitable to put in the bedroom, the office is lack of light.

This plant is easy to grow, grows fast, is resistant to dryness, heat and light.

11. Red buds

Picture 11 of 12 types of ornamental plants clean the indoor air

Multi red buds are air purifying plants, providing oxygen to bring fresh air to your home. This type is well developed in low-temperature, low-light environments, without much care.

12. Bamboo leaf palm

Picture 12 of 12 types of ornamental plants clean the indoor air

Bamboo leaf palm trees can remove benzene and trichlorethylene in the air. According to scientists at NASA, this is one of the best air-conditioning plants .

Bamboo leaf palm should be planted in the shade and need lots of water.

Update 24 May 2019


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