10 steps to create a perfect Fan Page on Facebook
Imagine, with 300 million users, thousands of new registrations every day are at the 3rd place in the Alexa rankings (pages with the 3rd most traffic), surely the power of the giants Facebook social network will be utilized for business.
Currently, Facebook offers a lot of strategic network service features and a reputation for your company. Among them, their Fan Page feature is currently the only feature fully expressed by Google. By entering the search string throughout your Fan Page and updating it regularly, you can create great optimization through search engines.
10 steps to create a perfect Fan Page on Facebook Picture 1
If you use the Social Ads feature of Facebook you can direct targeted traffic from the entire Facebook homepage directly to your Fan Page.
Whenever a potential fan clicks on your Fan Page, you will achieve the following:
* Immediately attract their attention and make them feel they have come to the right place (they feel they have made the right choice by clicking on your ad)
* Stimulate them to become a fan
* Entice them to link to your page
* Make them come back to visit, often called 'cohesion' (your fans will continue to come back to link to your site)
The following 10 elements of a dynamic Fan Page on Facebook will make you better than others and make your fans come back to visit more.
1. Give your Fan Page a title
When you first create a Fan Page, you need to choose a title; It can be your brand name, your own name, or your business name as well as a few descriptive words. Usually, the title is as short as possible; Because every time you add content to your Fan Page, the title will also be appended to the post.
2. Choose an impressive photo
This is not an outstanding feature, but Facebook's special feature is that it allows an ideal fan image size of up to 200 pixels wide and 600 pixels in length (so these pictures look like pieces. cover
Whenever you post to your Fan Page, small images will appear to show part of your main photos. Therefore, you may need some of your image processing experience to make them as you want.
3. Ensure your username
Once you have the first 25 fans, you can register your unique username (often called a URL) at http://facebook.com/username. For example, instead of having a long, hard-to-remember link, you can shorten the link by using your brand name, company name, and the name you use for business.
4. Set up a tab landing
You can create a fully customized landing page (landing page) for non-fans, with images, keywords, links, even movies. How? Just add the Static FBML application, paste in your FBML code (similar to doing HTML), then edit the Fan Page for your site to select the specific tab you want them to see. Some examples for you include: http://facebook.com/droz, http://facebook.com/gary, http://facebook.com/ellentv, http://facebook.com/cocacola, http:///facebook.com/ONE, http://facebook.com/paysonjewelry.
5. Write an engaging biography
There is a small text box under your Fan Page avatar; Use this area wisely to summarize what you basically do, who you help and how to help them. Even if you want better, you can include a call to action with a link (make sure the link has a 'http:///' section to be able to click on it).
6. Enter blog posts
Using the Notes app, take advantage of your blog's feed so that each time you write a new post on your blog, your Fan Page will automatically update and your fans can read and comment on the post. Doing so also helps you be consistent in adding content as well as keeping the topic fresh and engaging.
7. Present articles by page or by fans
There are many strategic reasons for presenting posts just by relying on you on Fan Page, or just by fans, but I suggest that you edit them to be able to be presented in both directions. That way, people who visit your site can see the dialogue from both sides.
8. Encourage fans to upload content
Your fans can upload their photos, videos and comments on the wall. Allowing and encouraging your fans to upload their own content will make them feel part of the online Facebook community you build, and when they add those content to your feed, create make more fame about you.
9. Feedback to your fans
Providing quality content is just one side of building a Fan Page on Facebook (or any other social network). One important aspect is adhesion. By actively responding to fans' comments, questions, suggestions, ideas, etc., you will show that you are a company that cares, listens, acts and engages with your community. me
10. Take advantage of Twitter
If you use the new Fan Page on Facebook with the Twitter app at http://facebook.com/twitter, you can write 420-word status updates, and they will turn into a small article on your account. Your Twitter account is also clipped to 120 words with a link back to your Fan Page. Really, this app is great for cross-promotion and fame for you.
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