10 extremely useful tips to help you identify clothing quality

Invite you to refer to 10 extremely useful tips to help identify quality clothes to avoid wasting your money and your effort!

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When buying certain clothing or fashion accessories, we all want to choose quality products. But in fact, they may shrink or tear at the first washing.

In order to discover the poor quality products, we have collected 10 extremely useful tips to help you identify the quality of clothes, avoid wasting money as well as your efforts.

10. Check the quality of cotton fabric by testing them in their hands

Picture 1 of 10 extremely useful tips to help you identify clothing quality

Grasp a piece of cloth with your hand for a few seconds. If removed, the fabric is still wrinkled, meaning that the fabric of the product is not guaranteed, the fabric has been mixed with many other impurities to keep the shape of the product. The products made with this fabric will be easy to crease and look like a cheap house to clean the house right after the first washing.

9. Stretch the seam to see the joint only

Picture 2 of 10 extremely useful tips to help you identify clothing quality

The quality items are always polished by the designers from the seams so that they are neat, thick and have no spaces in between. Therefore, if you want to check the quality of the clothes, gently pull the edges of the fabric and see how the seam of the product looks . If the seam is straight, it is a good quality and long-lasting product; otherwise, you have to choose the poor quality product.

8. Avoid buying products that have an open zipper

Picture 3 of 10 extremely useful tips to help you identify clothing quality

Certainly the products that the lock made of metal are covered with fabric will be more durable and better. Plastic and open-cut parts are easily broken and broken and are a sign of poor quality.

Therefore, when choosing the item you should pay close attention to the type of zipper clothes, check the zipper section is made of plastic or metal, there is a lock or is covered with cloth or not.

7. Clothes line is not too narrow

Picture 4 of 10 extremely useful tips to help you identify clothing quality

Pants and skirts should have a sewing width of up to 4cm; contour lines in T-shirts, shirts may be less than 2cm.

If the product does not have a sewn border or is too narrow, you should choose another item because it represents the negligence and negligence of the manufacturer.

6. Strongly pull fabric to check quality

Picture 5 of 10 extremely useful tips to help you identify clothing quality

A quality product will always retain its shape no matter how affected it is . Therefore, try pulling a part of the skirt or skirt and letting go. If the fabric is not old, then you are probably looking at a product made of low quality and cheap fabric.

5. Make sure the zipper is not excess or missing from the length of the product

Picture 6 of 10 extremely useful tips to help you identify clothing quality

Locking in a skirt, skirt or any other outfit needs to be on the same length, as well as the color matching the fabric color.

4. Pay attention to labels and information

Picture 7 of 10 extremely useful tips to help you identify clothing quality

Natural fabrics such as cotton, silk, wool . will be more durable and firm than synthetic fabrics. However, 100% cotton fabric can easily be wrinkled and shrunk after washing . That's why you should choose clothes with 5 - 30% more artificial ingredients such as viscose, polyester, nylon . These types of clothing are often unaffected and can be used for a long time.

3. The color of the sewing thread must be the same color as the fabric

Picture 8 of 10 extremely useful tips to help you identify clothing quality

Don't forget to check the fabric color and the color of the sewing thread is the same! If these two colors are not the same color and the color of the line is only clearly visible, it is a sign that the product is made in a mess, the manufacturer only cares about the quantity, not the quality.

2. Check the cuffs

Picture 9 of 10 extremely useful tips to help you identify clothing quality

When producing counterfeit or poor quality products, manufacturers often do not pay attention to small details. That's why you should check the cuffs before deciding to buy something.

Make sure that all buttons on the shirt are firmly sewn and the stitches are not exposed, contrasting the color with the fabric on the pants and shirt. The hole should fit properly and there is not much to spare.

1. Check carefully the color where there are folds

Picture 10 of 10 extremely useful tips to help you identify clothing quality
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Pay attention to the color part on the handle, the border and the zipper section to see if it is lighter / darker; There are more spots than other parts . If so, it is a sign that the product is poor quality. Poor quality products are more likely to fade after a few times of washing or using for a short time.

See also: 3 steps to choose jeans that fit without trying

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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