Why the more we read aloud, the faster we remember?

So the more we read, the faster we remember. Let's find out in this article!

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Most of us will stop reading the words word for word when we pass the letter pronunciation stage. However, a small study shows that reading aloud will help us remember longer.So the more we read, the faster we remember. Let's find out in this article!

Picture 1 of Why the more we read aloud, the faster we remember?

According to a research paper published in the book " Memory - Memory ", scientists have recorded the case of 75 students reading 160 words aloud given. Two weeks later, they learned 80 of them in different ways: listening to their own recordings, listening to other people's recordings, reading silently, clearly reading each word until they belonged . To ensure the order does not matter, many students use techniques in different order.

Next, the researchers showed one from any of the 160 words and the individuals had to show the correct vocabulary. The most effective research method is to read words aloud, accounting for 77% of the correct number of respondents . Following is the method of listening to the recording, listening to others say each word and reading in silence.

Picture 2 of Why the more we read aloud, the faster we remember?

Because scientists have isolated the various parts of the test process, the results show that benefits come not only from reading and listening, but especially from reading and listening to ourselves. . The author suggests that reading aloud involves a test that makes things more lively and engaging in learning than just reading in silence .

Although research is only a small issue, it is often encountered by undergraduates. However, when it comes to learning and remembering, combining many senses together will bring better results.

See more: How to learn everything in just 2 days but normally it takes another 6 months?

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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