Great way to remember 90% of what you learn
Whether learning a foreign language, playing a new instrument or a sport, one of us sees the benefits of accelerating learning (1) . However, the time of day is not much and the truth is that the core for fast learning is not to spend more time but to maximize the effectiveness of study time .
For example, compare water and buckets
Imagine you are filling a bucket with water. Most normal buckets can hold water in the bucket until they overflow. But in fact, that's not how the brain works.Most of the information going into the brain actually comes out gradually . Instead of looking at the brain like a bucket, we should compare it like a bucket with holes.
Great way to remember 90% of what you learn Picture 1
Even though the example above sounds negative, it is perfectly normal. Without possessing the ability to remember images (2) from birth, our brains are not designed to remember all the information it receives .
Great way to remember 90% of what you learn Picture 2
How to remember 90% of everything you learn?
The study of Learning Pyramid learning pyramids in the 1960s - mainly done by the NTL Institute in Bethel, Maine - outlines how people learn. Research shows that people can remember:
- 5% of what they learned from lectures (classes in class, university, college .)
- 10% of what they learn through reading (reading books, newspapers .)
- 20% of what is learned through visual and audio effects (apps, videos)
- 30% of what is learned by looking at the illustration
- 50% of what is learned when participating in discussion groups
- 75% of what you learn through practicing what you have learned
- 90% of what is learned by immediately applying (or retelling to others)
Great way to remember 90% of what you learn Picture 3
Let's review how most of us learn. That means non-interactive learning methods like books, class lectures, watching videos . lead to 80 - 95% of information goes into this ear and comes out with the other ear .
The core problem is that instead of concentrating the brain to remember more information with "passive" methods, we should focus time, energy and resources on methods. " "- the method proved to be more efficient and took less time.
This means
- If you are learning a new language, practice speaking with native speakers and get immediate feedback (instead of using mobile apps).
- If you want a nice body, exercise more (instead of watching workout videos on YouTube)
- If you are learning to play a new instrument, take a music teacher
Finally, the problem brings us to the big question .
Time or money?
How many times have you heard someone say: I don't have time to do this or that? Everyone argued that he had too little time but the time was divided equally for everyone. No matter who you are, in this world, you only have 24 hours a day. Every 1 minute is unique and when it passes, you can never get it back - money is different. As a classic quote from Benjamin Franklin: " You can postpone time but not . "
Bạn có thể thử lại, nhưng thời gian sẽ không - Benjamin Franklin
Everyone has only 24 hours a day, so how do we explain the success of the young millionaires starting from scratch or students who still go to school full time but from unknown levels can from say fluent Spanish after 3.5 months? They learned how to maximize efficiency.
Great way to remember 90% of what you learn Picture 4
Let's look at a small example. A people spend 1 hour studying and remember 90% and B people study 9 hours but only remember 10%. By doing a simple calculation, we also learned that the B people took nine times longer than the A's while the amount of knowledge gained was only equal.
Although the actual number may move, the lesson is really clear. The way to have more time is not to focus on "small wins", such as watching 5-minute video tutorials on YouTube instead of 15-minute videos, but "big wins", such as choosing an effective method Most effective from the beginning . As well as choosing free tools while investing in a costly product can save you months, even years, struggling, making mistakes constantly.
Great way to remember 90% of what you learn Picture 5
It is about making the best use of the time you have by choosing the solution that is most effective and saying no to all other options. The ability to memorize knowledge in the information age with so many distractions and distractions is an extremely important skill to achieve any goal more quickly. Learning to memorize more information, we can take less time to re-learn and focus on new knowledge. Time still goes by and the question is: how will we use it most effectively?
Author: Sean Kim
(1) Accelerated Learning - Accelerated Learning (AL) is an accelerated learning method with high learning frequency in a short time.
(2) Memorizing images - Photographic Memory or Eidetic Memory is the ability to "capture" information and "recall" images from the memory of the brain after only a short time with high accuracy. Do not use any memory techniques.
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