What is CPU? Famous computer CPU manufacturers today

What is CPU? is the most searched keyword on Google today. Let's discuss this issue through the following article below!

CPU is a term in computer equipment that is no longer unfamiliar to computer users today. But have you accurately defined this important part? Join TipsMake to find out what is CPU? The popular types of computer CPUs today can be seen in the article below!

What is CPU?

CPU is the abbreviation for Central Processing Unit , which translates into Vietnamese as central processing unit . CPU is a collection of electronic circuits found in a computer. The CPU processes computer program commands by performing arithmetic, logic, and comparison operations. In addition, it also handles basic data import/export operations from incoming code.

Picture 1 of What is CPU? Famous computer CPU manufacturers today

Simply put, the CPU's main function is to receive information from sources such as computer mouse, keyboard, printer,. or computer programs and then analyze it. Thanks to that, information can be displayed on the screen. The CPU is capable of handling all the tasks required by peripheral devices.

At the same time, CPU is also known by names such as: processor, central processor or microprocessor. 

Brief history of CPU

Based on the materials that make up the operating principle, we can say that the history of CPUs begins in 1823 , when BAron Jons Jackob Berzelius first discovered the chemical element Silicon (Si) . This is also the foundation for scientist Nikola Tesla to invent logic circuits called 'gates' or 'switches', which are the fundamental operating principles for CPUs.

By 1948, the world's first transistor was born. In 1958, the first IC integrated circuit appeared on the market.

In the 1960s, two corporations, Intel and AMD, officially launched on the market and are also the two leading CPU manufacturers in the world today. At the same time, a series of transistors were also produced at this time.

Picture 2 of What is CPU? Famous computer CPU manufacturers today

The world's first microprocessor developed by Intel was the Intel 4004 with 2300 transistors, processed 60,000 operations per second (OPS), resolved 640 bytes of memory, costing about 200 USD.

Gradually, manufacturers are constantly improving and releasing more CPUs with more optimal speed and cost for users. Names such as Pentium , Xeon , Celeron , Core 2 Dou/Quad were successively launched by Intel. Nowadays, Intel Core i lines are found a lot on computers of many users.

For the AMD brand, K5 is the first processor line. Next, Athlon, Opteron, Sempron, Phenom, and Ryzen Threadripper were also introduced one after another.

Internal structure of computer CPU

Join TipsMake to discover the parts that make up a computer CPU through the content below.

1. Control Unit (CU – Control Unit)

CU – Control Unit has the role of interpreting all commands from user requests. At the same time, control all CPU processing activities thanks to the precisely regulated system clock.

This is also the most complex structure in the CPU. Because, it is made up of logic circuits to compare with semiconductor components such as transistors.

Picture 3 of What is CPU? Famous computer CPU manufacturers today

2. ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) calculation block

The ALU calculation block is the Arithmetic Logic Unit whose main function is to find answers for mathematical operations including: Arithmetic, logic and comparison.

After completing these calculations, the ALU is responsible for providing the results and bringing them to memory or registers.

Picture 4 of What is CPU? Famous computer CPU manufacturers today

3. Registers

Registers are memories with small capacity but extremely fast data access capabilities located right at the CPU. Its purpose is to temporarily store operands, calculation results, memory locations or control information.

Each register equipped in the CPU has a separate function. The most important register is the program counter, also known as PC - Program Counter, which points to the command to be executed next.

Picture 5 of What is CPU? Famous computer CPU manufacturers today

4. Opcodes

Opcode is the part that contains the machine code of the CPU, from which all instructions in the executable file can be executed.

5. Control section

The control part is the part that performs the work of controlling the clock frequency and the blocks that make up the CPU . The clock circuit in the control section has the function of synchronizing operations performed inside and outside the CPU at a constant time interval.

Picture 6 of What is CPU? Famous computer CPU manufacturers today

In the history of CPUs, the waiting period between two pulses was called a clock cycle. The clock speed at which the system generates a number of standard time signal pulses is called clock speed. Therefore, the higher the CPU clock speed, the faster and more accurate the results will be.

How does CPU work?

In terms of basic operating principles, the vast majority of CPU lines produced have basic features and an operating process that includes 3 steps as follows:

1. Fetch

Fetching is a process directly related to the problem of receiving command requests from the CPU. Command representations are often represented as a series of numbers and are transferred from the CPU to RAM. 

Each command displayed represents only a small part of the operation that the computer CPU must ensure to understand which command will be executed next. From there, the address of the executed command will be stored by a counter called Program Counter.

Next, the PC and the executed commands will be forwarded to the Instruction Register. The length of the statement is then increased and retrieved to the address of the statement to be executed next.

Picture 7 of What is CPU? Famous computer CPU manufacturers today

2. Decoding

Once the instructions have been loaded into the IR storage , the CPU will quickly transmit the instructions to a circuit that specializes in decoding the instructions. Thanks to the instruction decoder, the signals are synchronized and continue to be transmitted to other parts of the CPU to complete the decoding process.

3. Implementation

At the final step, the completely decoded instructions will be sent directly to the relevant CPU parts for execution. The results when executing the commands will be stored in the CPU register. They are then referenced with the results of the statement that follows. This is similar to the function of a memory on a computer.

How important is CPU?

CPU is being used quite commonly in people's lives, it is the central processing unit of many devices such as: computers (PC, laptop,.), smartphones, embedded devices,. In addition, this is also is a part used in many machinery equipment in the electrical and automation industry such as: Microcontrollers for controlling production lines, PLC programmable controllers,.

In addition, the CPU is also considered the nerve center of the computer . Because the CPU is the organ that receives and processes data information and gives instructions to other parts to execute. At the same time, the components installed in the computer are also designed to always promptly support all CPU activities.

Picture 8 of What is CPU? Famous computer CPU manufacturers today

Although it is no longer as important in system performance as before, the CPU is still a device that determines the fast, responsive and smooth operation of the computer. Because, this is the agency responsible for implementing orders in programs. Therefore, choosing a more powerful CPU will help your computer run faster.

Besides, you also need to note that having a fast CPU is not everything. Because, no matter how powerful the processor is, it cannot easily render new generation 3D graphics games or have enough buffer memory to store all information. Therefore, the CPU department needs to receive timely support from other devices such as RAM and graphics cards to fully play its role.

In short, CPU is not everything, but without it your computer cannot function. Therefore, you should choose a CPU device with a strong configuration to optimize your experience every time you work with the computer!

Famous computer CPU manufacturers today

On the market today, there are many types of CPUs from different brands. To help you have a more general perspective, TipsMake will provide you with two famous computer CPU manufacturers today as follows:


Surely, Intel CPU is a name quite familiar to those who have ever used computer or laptop devices. Currently, this brand's products have many different segments such as: Intel Core i3, Intel Core i5, Intel Core i7, Intel Core i9 and Intel Xeon.

In the CPU lines suggested above, each year this part is divided into different types. Some CPU parts of the Intel brand that are popular with customers today can be named: Intel Core i9 9900k, Intel Core i7 8700k, Intel Core i5 9400F.

Picture 9 of What is CPU? Famous computer CPU manufacturers today


Similar to CPU lines from Intel, AMD's CPU division also has many different segments. From there, giving users easier and more suitable choices for their needs. We can name some segments of this brand such as: AMD Ryzen 5, AMD Ryzen threadripper and AMD Ryzen 7.

In addition, you can also refer to some commonly used CPU lines and possessing outstanding features from the AMD brand such as: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, AMD Ryzen 7 2700 and AMD Ryzen 7 2700X.

Picture 10 of What is CPU? Famous computer CPU manufacturers today

How fast does the CPU transfer data?

In addition to learning about what a CPU part is, you need to understand the data transfer speed of this central processing unit. The data transfer speed of the CPU also depends on environmental factors such as: metal quality in the wire, power source,.

CPU processing speed is also considered the clock speed of the processing center . Normally the processing speed is 75 - 90% of the speed of light and is calculated in GHz. Therefore, if you ignore many environmental factors, the higher the clock speed will help your CPU transfer data faster.

Picture 11 of What is CPU? Famous computer CPU manufacturers today

In addition, you should also note some factors that affect CPU clock speed as follows:

  1. Processing core : Equipped with more cores will bring higher data transfer ability to the CPU. Normally, the processor will be designed in even numbers such as: 2 cores, 4 cores, 10 cores,.
  2. Product line : Is a parameter representing manufacturing technology, usually the smaller the index will bring higher efficiency in data transmission (14nm, 22nm, 32nm).

Picture 12 of What is CPU? Famous computer CPU manufacturers today

  1. Supporting technology : Currently there are many supporting technologies for clock equipment such as hyper-threading technology, turbo boost technology, pipeline,.
  2. Graphics card : This is an integrated device that specializes in improving processing speed and data transfer within the clock speed of the computer CPU.

Picture 13 of What is CPU? Famous computer CPU manufacturers today

  1. TDP : The more optimized the discharge capacity will help improve efficiency.

Some other information about CPU

The CPU part is an important and indispensable device when users operate computers. Therefore, you need to grasp some other information about this part to make the most perfect choice.

Design of the microprocessor

The microprocessor is an indispensable component that determines the performance of the central processing unit. Usually, this part is also called the CPU chip and is installed in a location that easily fits with other parts within the CPU.

Picture 14 of What is CPU? Famous computer CPU manufacturers today

The design of this part is also quite simple and easy to recognize as the outside design is square and a few other chips are rectangular. Besides, the top of the processor also shows some technical information. At the same time, the underside is also optimized for operating capacity when equipped with sturdy plugs.

FSB (Front Side Bus)

This is the part that determines the speed of data transport as well as commands in/out of the central processing unit. At the same time, the FSB part is also made up of two components with similar functions: the CPU Bus and the Northern Chipset Bus. Specifically:

  1. CPU Bus processing unit performance is fundamental and unique within the FSB.
  2. The performance of the Northern Bus chipset is supported by the speed of the FSB. Usually, the more support the better, but the most common is still 2 to 3 FSB.

Picture 15 of What is CPU? Famous computer CPU manufacturers today

For example : With pen 2 and pen 3 chips, the speed of the Front Side Bus only reaches from 66MHz to 133MHz. However, with the Pen 4 chip, the Front Side Bus speed supported by FSB ranges from 400MHz to 1600MHz.

Cache memory

Cache memory is one of the parts that stores many programs and a series of data that the CPU is preparing to use. Therefore, when there is a problem of data shortage, the CPU will automatically check the cache memory first and then check the main memory again.

Picture 16 of What is CPU? Famous computer CPU manufacturers today

On the market today, many types of cache are also distributed as follows:

  1. Cache L1 : This is memory ranging in size from 8KB to 32KB. Therefore, this is the location where the CPU department looks for data first. 
  2. L2 Cache : Size from 256KB to 8M. In case the CPU cannot detect data from the L1 cache, it will move here to continue checking.
  3. Cache L3 : Is a cache that allocates data from L2 and L1, and is also equipped on the mainboard. 

Frequently asked questions about CPUs?

With an important product like a CPU, constantly encountering problems when purchasing is inevitable. Let's refer to some of the answers that TipsMake has compiled about the CPU part below!

Can GPU be used instead of CPU?

This is the most frequently asked question for people who are just starting to learn about CPU parts. The answer for you is no. Because, even though the GPU part has the ability to process data and has many functions similar to the CPU part. However, the GPU does not have the performance capacity required by the operating system and typical software.

Can a computer work without a CPU?

The answer is no. Because, all computers, even laptops, have the basic requirement to be equipped with a CPU to be able to use it. 
In addition, the CPU is also considered the brain part of every computer line. It has the function of processing, synthesizing and analyzing all user operations when using the computer. Therefore, other accessories equipped on the computer receive CPU support. Therefore, the CPU part is an inseparable piece of equipment with the computer.


Above are all the suggestions to help you better understand what a CPU part is that you can refer to. Hopefully this article will give you a more general perspective on computer CPU images. At the same time, it helps you grasp the standard structure of this part.

Update 03 October 2023


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